Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 6, 23 Kepakemapa 1893 Edition 02 — GO “HEELEO.” [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


We advise all our friends whe eau so far furget or ignore thc }>rojirieties of the tirae and occas ion as to aUeml the annexatioc ball at the Palaee on Moud »y night to go ‘ heeled.’ - Now, the word qnoted is not classic Eng lish, yet it has a well fecognixed meaning among those who indu)ge iu the j>rofanity of slang. Being f 'hegled” signifies being j>repared for wbatever is 1 ikely or liable to occar. and refei*s. iu general parlance, to a preparatiou for anticioated assiults, riots, and the like. —and the ‘ heeling’ process usually eousists in stowing a pistol iu ones jKK*ket, a derringer in the boot, or, (iu case of a lady) concealing

a razor in her garter. Gentlerae» of color in the United Statr-s, are also partial to tho razor as a weapon of either orteuse or defense, and it is jūstly popular for the mauy close shaves through whieh it hasbrought its fortuuate possessors. But onr advice has uought to do with the weajions of physical assault or defeuse Other weapons are mueh more likely to be demanded of those who attend tbe ball, and it is to thes« that our advice is directed. W*ith the memory' of the annexation ball at the Hotel, September 18th, in raind, the uufortunates who were there j>ounced npon f>»r contributions to the expense of the *‘racket" need no assurance tbat our meaning is ths»t they sh* uld “go heeled” with eoin to pay any assessments that may be levied uj>ou than during tbeevoning. It wouid be awkward # indeed, for a gnest to bo “stood up # ’ agaiust a balcony jiillar, by the coi!ection committee, with an invitation to “throw nj> bis hands” while the committee afuresaid go through his garmeuts for wealth to satisfy the tax of tbeir imposition. To be canght short, without the wherewithal to iiquidute raight induco results. There is a “brig ’ — otherwise known as a eell, for refractory spint«.— im mediately uuder the front stejis of the Palaee, to avoid au aeqiiaintance with whose iuternal arrangements it might be desirable to pay »11 ussessments with promptitude.and a cheerful eoun-ten-mce. Therefore, let all geutleraen who eoniemplale atteiid ing the annexation ball at the I ulaee, (aud e.special y the naval visitors) heed our disiutere‘ted Advice in tho premises, aud “go heeled.“