Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 6, 23 Kepakemapa 1893 Edition 02 — TOPICS OF THE DAY. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The Advertiser this morning adrait.s that the b»ll to be given at tbe Pulaee ou Monday. eomplifDentar\- to the Boston nfficers is a political uffair. The Star whieh at ]>resent does not seem t> be in the go d graces of the \dvertiser Editor, eame ont in a positive and decided way. and from the beginning gave to tbe entertaii raent in qoestinn a political color. The maudling and half-hearted atiitade of the Advertiser is to say, the least reraarliab!e.

The admission thongh to-day, that the liall is h political atfair, justifies the utterances iu our paper yesterday. If the Admiral commandiug the squadron here was in the service of any ijuropean government. he would eonsider hiraself obliged to forbid the oflicers nnder his conamand to attend a ball, whieh uow only ean be a political demonstration of an ofiensivo m*ture to the Hawaiian people. When the Wiltz.se ball took plaee, the Eaglish and Japanese ofticers at that time stationed with their vessels in tho harbor of Honolulu refused to be present at an entertainment whieh carried with it so distinctlv a political character. Why the Amenenu uavy should follow and obey a different code of rules we cannot see. The partisan stand taken by the Boston officers in the Hawaiiau matters is such as to making them dcserving of the greatest rebuke and disapproval by the administration in Washington, and we have no doubt, that the who today represents the Amer.'can naw in tho Cleveland Cabinet will express bimself in the ra‘'st unmis- • takablo language when furnished | with the particulars regarding i Ihe attitude of the Boston officers in Honolulu. It was our intention to oncourage all of the citizeus who are iu opposition to the provisional gov- 1 crament and to annexaiion (o atlend theball—if invited— because ■ wo are n ainiy inclined to £ollow the principle of “burying the | hatchet," but tho remarks in the j Advertiscr this morning make us change our ideas, and we now 8ay that oobody who sympathizes i with tho H*waiians, nobody who is indel»tcd to Hawaii and her Queen for pist favors. or who > expects futuro favors from a Ha- ; w iian Governraentshould attend | tho poliiieal ball t<> be giveu at i the palaee. I£ tho Americau offioers have the bad taste to go to | an euleiUinmeui advertised i and stigmatizod as a political af- i fair offensive to the Hawaiian i naticu, well aud good. W*e do | not presume to direct the move- 1 ments of that otherwise gentie- | iQaniy body of men, but we suggest to every friend of Hawaii, I man or w m&n to st tv awav from 1 «r «r

tbe ball, whieh n w is made io appear as a dunee on the grave t»f Hawaiiao indej>endece, Hawaiian self-resj>ect, aud Hawaiian manhood.