Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 6, 23 Kepakemapa 1893 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

eWnml —z_- — r "” DR. MeLENNAN, 131 Fort Street. Offi« Honrs: 9 A.M. to 12 M.; 3 to 5 P.W. Offl« TeL 48S-MrTcat-SnideDec T*1 •>?. CHAS. CilllDLER, Importer and Coiiimes«io i Meix*hant. AGENT t\*R <t P. CoaU' Maehine Thn id •Knmn Bro» ks' Maelune Thiead Biri*>ur’s Liuen Thmul Pears’ 8oap P. O. B«;X 358. Mnloal Telephone T‘-* W. S. LUCE W lr* (r* N Wine iiDd Meiriiaul OampheU Fir*~pmof MERCHANT ST. HONOLI LU CITY MEAT MARKET Oppo. Quecu Emma Hall. Establisbp(l 18B3. JOS. TINKER, FAMILY 53BITTCHEE Mnkrr nf the CeUbruted Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Try Them. Meat Delivered to Any Part f the City aml Sul»urbs. Mutual Telephono Number 280. Tiieo. P. Seveki\. a. 'V. Eolsto. HAWAIIAN GALLERY, ■107 XrcASc Stkket, Honolclc. <Ojipo. Qneeu Euiu;a Hall). Views ot* the lslan 1 Coustautly on Haml, snch as Nali»ea Making Poi, Gra.it Hou- t Holahnla Dancer«, < ocoannt Grovt .strcct Views aml lUwaiian Style Ri.li; ;V Bni!ihugs, Palm and Diie Grov-t \\ar Ven>li, Sh)ppmg B n<t Mahne Vie-wt. Aleo. a Large Coliection of all Promu.-r l amt Iiitervttiog Viewt of the Hawaiiar, ltlau.lt either iuoanteil or nnmoiiDted. Amatenr Work SolidWtl. p.O. Boi 4 i Wing Mow Chan, ĪMPORTEKS A.VD Commission Merchants DEALEBS IV China and Japan Tea. IProvisions. Maniia Cigars, GROCERIE8, 8ILKS, 1 MATTING. | i Camphor M‘ootl Truuks, Rat;<a f Chaiis, etc., etc. 304 King St., Huuoluiu, P. i>.« Box No. 180, Mutoal Tei. Ku. 78,, f * £CK%,. ■■■ T" V