Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 6, 23 Kepakemapa 1893 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

|tdifrticrmnits i CHAS. MOLIENO i -UT TOXSOIJAL AUTIST. No. 511 King Street, Honolula. H. I. Give me a trial. L. H. DEE, Jobber of W\m, Spirits nml Btm HOTEL ST., Between Fort and Bethel Streets. LEWIS & Co., Wholesaie and Retaii Grocers AXD PROVISION DEALER8. FRESH CALIFORNIA 8ALM0N ONICE By Every Sin Francisco Stenmcr. Salt Salmo\ ix B vbbels a Specialty. iii Forl St., Honolulu. Tcl. 240 , P. O. Box 2QJ. IUST ARRIVED, «3 q h Baty Carriages 0F ALL STYLES, Carpets, Rugs, Mats IX THE LATEST PATTERNS. “HOUSEHOLD' Sewing Machines Haxd Se\vixg Machixes, f‘#'AU With the Lntest ImprovementsTji J PARLOR Organs, Griiitars, And Other Masical Instroments. Wines, Liquors, Beer ALWATS ON HAND, AND FOR SALE BY ED. 30FFSCHUEGER l 00. King St.. oppo. Castle Jt Cookc‘a. WING W0 & C0., Manufactnrers and Dealers in Ladies’, Gents’ & Children s Boo^j5o6^(jaite^ No. 35, sl||] Honolnlu, Nuaanu Stieetr mi.P. O. Box 198 Bools and Shoes mndc to onler in Best St\le. »t Wholeaale and Rctail Prices. WiNG WO TAi & Co.. No. 214 Nuu mu St:e. t, COMMlSSION MERCHANTS, I mporters and DoaIers in GE*TL MERCHAXDIS£. Fine Manila Cigars, Chinese and J:ipaneseCrock’r\wa.e, Mattings. Vases of all kmds. Caruphonrood Trnnks. Rattan Chairs, a Fine Assortaient of Dres,s Silks, Best Brands of Chinese aud Japanese Teas of Latest Importations. Inspection of New Goods Respectfullv SoIieited. Mutual Tel. 2tki, P. O. Box 158.