Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 5, 22 Kepakemapa 1893 — He Plays Again. [ARTICLE]
He Plays Again.
Professor Heinrich Derger aml hisartists will entertain tbe eomraunity to-uiglit witu a coneert to be given at Tbomas Sqoare nt 7:30o'clock. The professor has se!ected the following pieces for the oocassion; r\KT i. 1. Mwoii—“The Gi».hators' ,Soni» 2. Orertore—of B»gdair Boi«ldi*a 3. W*lt*-‘ Tont P»ris ". W<ddteafel 4. S»'l<vuoc—”11 Trv)vmtore'’ (h? reqaewt) ,Verdi past n. 5. Selcctioa—"Hoheoiimn GiH" (br reqoest) Balfe 6. Eeho pieee—“lu Svit*erUnd" (by reqae*st> Hame 7. Wmltt—“The Dv<l!s'' -Bmyer 8. Omlop—“Brmre Ah«ui- ,Sirmūas Hmwaii Poaoi. The steamcr Kaala niade a spe\ial trip to Waianae this iuorniog.and is expected to return this evening.