Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 5, 22 Kepakemapa 1893 — That Ball. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

That Ball.

Invitatione to Ihe b:ill to be given on r.ext Monday evening, are being issued this :ixtenv>on. AU good royalist3 and anti-annex-ationists should not att nd. Nut for the purpo«e of showi..g :ny disrespect to the Unit-d St:»t s navy, bnt, how ean th» y attend an\'entertaimuent given by a set orusurpers in the l’alaee whieh pn>t»erly is the residence of ihe Sover r ;gn. i A Unique Musical Bedstead. ! . — A Bombay raan bas construct- ; ed a bedstead prieed at 10.000 ! | rupees, and The lronnumger ap- j ■ |>eiids.tbe description as follows: , I “ It bas at its four cornors four ; l full-sized gaudiiy-dressed Gre- j eian dumsels, those ut the head I Lolding banjos, while those ou j the rigfat and Ieft foot faold fans. Beneatfa the cot is a musical box, wLieh extends the whole length of the cot and is eapahle of playing iweke different charming airs. The music begins the moraent the Ieast pressnre has | beeu brooght to bear from tfae j top, whioh is ereated by one sleepiug or sitting, and ceases tbe mou>ent the individual rīses. While the music is in progress the lady banjoists at the head manipulale the strings with their fingers and move their heads, | while the two Grecian damsels at the bottom fan the sloeper to l sleep. There is a button at the , foot of the cot whieh, after a little pressure, brings aboni a cessatiou of the mnsic, if snch be j the dosire of the oeeupani.’'