Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 5, 21 Kepakemapa 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
£?ilD SftoWl Farewell to tho ** Uo5*ton.‘' at rnE Execution 6uilding. Momlav. Sopt. *25th, lS9o. Brilliant Galaxy of Talcnt, — Wonderful Feat>. Positivelv for One Onlv. — Attention o«llvil to thc followiog “St ir nnini*ers. Mons:enr Sn;t.rt Aletk Jump>. • . v ntr • duce some of his wou<lerful (eats of eontortioc—and lightnmg chacges—p«v<iDg tirst a ehnmpion o( Ihe Xuti< nitl Ee(orm Party. Splen<1id access.>ri<'s •( b!n< Jer>-< <r iightning etc.—Kepro<*TU'tioa o( “bsck stairs comj>acts,’' “Kner:otic i;liots“ “broken pledges” “rrforu! corrnprions.’* In«t*ntaneons fn*ns<’oni>ntion tr> S : s«v <nippers «ō.OO — T,nri>l Fi»<<vle “Enillai’n —Omn.l tsli!e, sprswl'n* dcf wifh eroessori< s of "i'pn’h" sbr’eVing f or c“py. r - iticinn«fns «j tbe mueh — Roft nmsic. Lichtnine f’»sb ehnnee. PrilH»nf on<1 iuFr>r’nc (s>nt">rti»n sct, īn ritri rrrs ,, nce of pnWie. Sn ,, '>rf 'Uek w ;1 ! rmc. .-.1 to swsl>ow «I> fnm'er nffen>nces all lbe niost fenfasfic lnn>i'les to i’This last «cf w’ll On*V f'e rrix»«{e-* «f Sn|.F bene6ts I The S«n P : eoo Rrni.-er i>cVt ..t< >a. ī .-i',> nnivers«lly—bv hitnseri—to 1>e fhe le»'’ing erponenf o* the ir«nlv »-t w’l> eire sn e*bib’Hon of hi« «Vi>l—PheAowt nn.* nn i n *wo r — The ronntrv mn <■ n * r’«IifomīT.n rrinc:nles”—T>efence1«ss «oven«ifitns hnoeke' 1 ont. If encore<1 tbe «rti«t will e*ve « huraorous ren'HHon of his sVif enHlted; “Wh»t I know «bonf TT«waii " Tne r>ne-t*>1e<1 ho- W Srntt*— ’ : mhcr in Conscience «nd «fifF in hi« «nhse<inent limb«. *i'l nevt Ae’iehi fbe amlienee «Kh Hs -piie,, — He will nl«y «n*ocr«t in »1 e itio;t «tir>rovet! stvle «n 1 ™-ith the mosf •Wim'iiioni visnge—The nn->if»nc<T >« c'>’’Hnned ag«inst l -nt’hfer or <te»r'on«trations of-merrinient «« »h:s perfomi -nc«» is very rfnl fo fl.e p. rformer. Mr. Has }tslincer will ri’e the pt>t-Iic sitnat>on wifh <livi->e<T skirt«. -I. H. Scnp »n<i the tmnnrt«noe of »he o( Oiinn will th»n 1 * r »*nee hw f.<mon« b»vfnot, «*T— w(><>* «ot in whieh his le“« wiH the «wor<l »f hts «i ><• in the mo«f t v rining manner, Tm.lem <le Pothon«e wi»h fhe-r<ink-of.M.t-jah-and fhe c«neml »«rect • f « raeridi«n of lonKĪln-’e on « sownembnlistic t.v.ir will reci»«- I wi>h I w«« an Enolishin«n, You know'” Then fol!ow« the ee!ehr«te<l ‘•ī>rmou &n<! Pnsi1|«nimons” «ke»ch in wt>ich the former will jrmp from one gr>«ncjal Ieg fo fhe other wh’le Pn«»l|«nimons will swe*r th«t he i* »J1 the time oa hoth M. Thia performance is t*-e more amnsing at the actor« «n<l not th« aro deln.ie.1 and hnnil>ngossl. Giovanni di M«rtini Ihe P.in’aloon will gira • ici*wr* and pime nhibitK>n in whieh be will “»»eil the conntry from the Kaa»k«s-nnl what are rou prinv to do abont »t ” The pnhlie ia iniimel Ihil th»s peribrataaee will he <,f the m«t 'icbidre chancter and th«t nothing will oecur to ciffred the most fa*d<h >»!«. The «rery day mena£erie <rtll be coaficed to th- ha-emenl dnrinc the ent«rtaiament aml ihe halehe? txttoaed tk>wn. SoT* : i*ts are niarioned »cin «t throw>ng «n<toned meat nr eanae-l pea» to tbe animal».