Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 5, 21 Kepakemapa 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

$ucinf5$ C*ardi H. F. 13L1M ELMA.n'N, eoNiiiA j roi: asd bu ; ldeii 8J KĪI5” St., 1>* i I Telephone 10". HAUIliSO-S 111108 , vO •TKAt,TOHS AND BUlLDEIlo 2l)S Frt S- Honolnlo. TliO AS L1NU8A V. Mannjuctu rimj ,īe>ifler <ia i , WutcfimaL'er, M.'Tn«?niy lil->oL. 409 Fort St„ Honoluln. mekchants exchanqe, S. I. !AW, Fk.ipbictok, s CHOJCE UQUGRS and FIXE BEER , Coruer of Kiug aml Nonanu Sts., Mutual Tel. 423. Honolulu, G.ff.IACFARLABE4C0. r Importers & Com mission ’ MERCHA\TS, Honolulu, - Hawai an Islau(K dub $tables eo., S. M anager. Ciyery, Keed and Sale JStables. 1 ort Stroet, betweeu Hotel and Beretania. Botb Telephones \o. 477 dOnnected with j&and, Corner King & Bethol Sts. Both Telci)bones \«. 113. H, MAY & Cū., Tea Deaiers, Coffce Roasters Provi8ion Mcrchants HS Fort Street, - Honolnlu Families, Plantations and Shij s suj>plied with choicest Liiroj>can & Ameiiean (Lroccries C i!ifornia Produce bv Everv Steau:er. Chas. T. Grulick NOTARY public I" or the Islaud of Oaho. — Ageut to T;(ke AckuowledgmeLts : to Labor Contracts. Agent to Orant M trriage Lieenses. Honolnlu. Oahu. Ageutforthe Haw u Isiands of 1 Pitt »V St OTT s Fre,ght aiul Parcels Exj»ress. Agent for the Barlington Koute. M Estāte Msr aid General Bell Tel, 348; Mni Te!. 139; P. U. Box 415. 0FF1CE: So. 33 MEKCHAJST Street, Houulnlu, H. I.