Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 5, 21 September 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Jusurancr !btiffs. MAEINE INSŪRANCE. The Undersi«ned i.s authorize<l t<» take Marine m? on Hnl Ls, Ca i*Lroe.-, Freie:lite aiid Commissions, at Current Hates in the following Companies. viz: Allianee .lssuranee Fire $ Marine, - Loi >n Wilhelma of Madgeburg (lenl. īna. Co. Sun Insurance Co., - - San Fran<■ eo .1. S. WALKEK, Agent for Hawaiian Isl;;r-d3 E. B. THOMAS, Rp.slDE\r! ; Mniual 410 P O. B x 117. Contractor d Builder Telf.phones ; Bell 351. Mutnal 417. - x.- *■ 4. & Estimates Given on A.11 ICinds OF (, IHON, ōĪONE IWOOOEN All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade, Attcndcd to. KEEP8 FOR SALE: Brick, l.ime, Cement, Iron Stone Pipe and Fittings, 01d & New C"rragated Iron. Minton Tilea, Quarry Tiles, assorted sizes and colors; C lifornia aud Monterey Saad, Granite Curbing and Blocks, etc., etc. f Corner King Smith Sts. OFFICE <51 YARD: Office Hours, 8toiaM., ( ito4P. M. 6RAND OPILNIN6 0F THE Sew Furuiture Store ! Robinson B!ock. Hotei St., oppo. Bethel St. FURNITURE, Upholsteiy andCabinet Making ON HAXD AN EXTF.NSIVE ASSORTMENT OF 'Wiekeu Ware, Antia\ie Oak L3edroom Suits, Chiffuniers, Sideboar*ds, ele. Wardrobes, Mattrasses, Pillows, Etc., UAIjE to ordeb. No Second Hand or Damaged Goods Kept on HandL ORDWAY & PORTER, Bubiason Bb ck, Hotel St., oppo. Bethel 8L