Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 5, 21 Kepakemapa 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Foreiga Mail Service. sh : ps vri!l feave {*.r and »rr re /rora thf Arrivals. 8tmr Jstucs 5l«Vea, from Kauai. Btmr Mawaii, trom iiawaii. D< partures. B M S S Marl|x>»«, for Sau Fr.mcisc j. Passengers. nr.i‘A K ECR F.s. For San Fnmciscn,prR MSS Mariposn. Sei>i 21—Dr. Or«ig, Mrs 1{ AIbrccht, J B Atherton, vnfe anJ danghter, F J Lowrey and wife, 11 F Wiehman. Jas A \\ilder, V von Haaim, Jik> l>yer. Misses Eiiih and Mande Auld. Mrs Draper, Mr Castlea; 6 »t«entge aud 92 j>asseugers in trausit. Shipping Notes. The stiar James Makee brought «s cargo: sngtr lej»ers for the P G and a hlunk note trom Shenff Devirill iu regard to Ko-ilau. The sch M »ry F»>ster is sighted off Port bat uot as yet amved »s we go to press. Vessel3 in Port. V S S \dams, XeIson. II S S BostO)i, Day. U88 Philail‘'phia, Parker. Br sch S«ruia, Vokontu«. Am bk Alden Besse, Frns SmFr»ncisoo. Am sch Aliee Coke, PeubrtH >w, Pgt Sonnd Am bk Diso<)very, Christiauaeu, S F. Br bk D >ra, Petorsou, Xewcastl«, N S W. Am bkt Ir •igurl,Schini ll, L«ys.in Isluud. Am bkt W tl D'iu«ud, Nels>>n, S F. Am hkt S G \Vilder MeNeill. S F. Am sh T«pgaltaut. Jacfcs«n. P rtTownsend Am bk Detroit. I)urrab, Nauaimo. Foreign Vessels Expected. vessels. wbinfrom. dne. Am hk IiurTester S F (Hilo).. Ang 21 Am schi' Kobt !>>wers >F Ang 25 Br «b Co «f MenoneUi. N S W Sept 14 Ara bktn Ph»nter S F Sept 18 Am bk C«ylon S F. Sej t 20 J ip ss Aikokn Mnm . . .Y«k >hau>a. Sept 22 li»w schrJ G N«rth . ,.S F S»»| i 23 C A es Warmuo > Vunoonver Sej>t 23 Huw hk \mlrew* Weleh.'' F Sept 26 R M 8s AUmolii S F Sepl 2*T Am scUr Tr«nsit S F Sejn 28 Am sc‘ur Allen \ E«reka Oct 1 K \| i»8 Manjx.au S F Oct 11 < * A ss Oc-auic SF Oet 17 17 S Crniser C.iurteston.. tVt — Am bk M»rtha D»ns Boston D»-c 20 The Supreme Court. Wkdsesday, Sept. 20. The Saprerae Co«rt sittiug in H.ineo, Leanl t«e case of the Hawaiiao Soap Works vs. T. Rawlms yostcrd ty. Tlie c>»se was arguod and subraittetl. Messrs. H.-ttch and Haiiwell appoar for tbe Hawaiian Soap Works and Mr. Oooil Brown for Mr. Kawlins. Thchsday, S«pt. 21. The Supretno Court was oeenpied this raoruing by hearing the case botweon tbe Goverement aud tli6 Hawaiiau TrarawaysCompany. The cmso dcals with the quesl«on,whether the car-liconses oftbe Tramways Cotnpany sball be stam{>6il or not. The caso was argaed and snbmītted. AttorueyGoneral Srasth for the Governcoeot. iud Hon. Paul Nenmann for the Tramways Cjmpaq\*.