Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 3, 20 September 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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L. H. DEE, Jobber of \Ym% Spiiits aml Be(*rs. hotel st., Betwvca Fort aml Bethel Streots. W. S. LUCE \\m am! Spiiil irdiant Camjibell Iire-j>roof Block, MERCHANT ST. HONOLULU HO YEN KEE A CO,, Tinsmiths and clealers in Crockerv ware, Glj\ssware, etc. Water Pipes Laid and Rcpaircd r I’lna.bing N\atlv llieeuleil. No. 41 Nnuanu jSt., between King aml Hotel Streets, Aseu Building.

H. E. MclNTYRE & BRO„ importers and dealers in Groceries, Provisions & Feed EAST CORNER FORT & KINO STS. New GoocU received bv ever,- Packet frora the Eastern States and Euro P e. Fre'sh Caīifornm Produce by every Goods delivered steamer. . . , All Orders f-tithfully attended to, anel to anv part "f the City —Free of Ch»rge. Island Orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Posx Office Box No. 145. Telkfho5f. No. 92. Holomua Publishing <• Co.. PUBLISHERS OF THE " HAWAIl • * HOLOMLA," \ l>ail^« (Sunday excepte<l) In the Eoglish langnage. and pledged in P° hc £ the Rights ‘NP Prkvileoes of the Hawahan I lopi.e, the interests of the laboring men. and good and bonest Government for the wh*do countr>-. J()R PRINTERS All Books and Job Pri>teso neatly execnted at short notice and at moderate figures. B1LL HEADS, CAKDS, LETrER HEADS. POSTERS, etc., Finishe<i in First-Class style. Island Orders solicited and promptly atteuded to. Office : Thomas Block, King Street, Honolulu, H. I.