Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 3, 20 September 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Hawaii+Holomua 1« l*UBLIKHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCETT SUNDAY BY THE Holomua Pub!isliinp* Co. o At Kinp St. rrbot..*a i>lock), Honolnlu, H I. SUBSC2U?nON, ?er 2£onth, 50 Cls, Th« is .iehvered bv Oarriers in the lowii au i sniinrl>-. 'īualē Coj>ien f>r <aUat thc N>«' J■tl rs ao>i at īhe Office of publication. ABRAHM FERNkHDEl, - Manager EDMUND NORR!E, - - Edilor \()T1CE. .VII Ba>ānem ('ommui’ioations shonld he »>iilre»se>l lo Ahmhaui Pamnndtz, Honoluln, H. I. C<irrespOndenoe aud Coii!ninnication<i for vnhlic»tiun nhouhi be addro»m-<l to ihe E<lilor Hawaii Hohuuna. No noliee will bt pa>d lo any tinonyiuotis commuuications. $UMiir$$ (£ard$ A. P. PETEUSON, ATiUR.\EY AT LAW. Office: )Ki Knnhamann Street. Honoinln Hawauan lsluud>. CHA1»LES CREIGHTON, ATTOBNEr AT LAW. Office; 113 Kaahauiann Street, Houolaln H.iwniiua Is!anJs. CLARENCE W. ASHFORD, ATTORNEY AND COrN r SELLOR AT LAW. Office: 01d Cnpitol Bnii>iirg, (Houolnln Hnle), adjoinhig Post Offioe, Honoluln. A. ROSA, ATToRXEY AT LAW, No. lō Kanhumauu St., Honolula ; Hawaiian Islands. PAUL NEUMAN, ATTORKhY aT LaW. 314 Merchaut Street, Houolulu. Mutual Telephone 415. J. M. DAVJDSON. ATI\)RNEY AT L.YW, .‘hKi Merchant St., Olhee (Muiual) Tol. 180, Residouce 67. S. K. KA-NE, ATTCRNEY AT LAW. Oihee: Corner Kinp und Bethel street«, up-stairs. CHAS. MOLi’ENO, TOXSOBIAI» ART1ST, No. 511 K.up Strett. Honoluln, H. I. Give me a trĪHl. NAĪIONALIR0N WŪRKS, Qi ef.x Sti;eet, Between Alakea *V Richanl Sts. THE UNI>ERSIOXED are jn>-pared make .'II kituis of Imn Brass, Bn>nic. Zinc, TiO aud L*.».i Castiags. A!so • Oencr»l Rej>iUr S!;oj> for Steam Enciues, Kioe ii-ii'. C<»m Mills, Water Wheek, Wind Milis. eto. Maehiue» f >r tbe Clew&ing of C\>ffec, Citst.>r Oils, Re*ii'. Ramie, Sisal, l’iu«cip{4e Le*res ollier Fihrons PlanU, And Paper Stock. Ak«o Machioes for Eitracting Starch fr jtn tlie Manioe, Am*w Boot, etc. AU Orders proB»ptly «ttended to. WHITE. RITMAN (51 CO.