Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 3, 20 September 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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£m.ur«iuc *loticfS. ROYAL lXSrRA\Cr.C()„ OF LIVERPOOL. The Largest in the World. ASSETS, JAN. I, 1892, $42,432,174.00 Fire Ki<k< ou all kiail,-' of Iusnr»nce Property takeu at Current K.ites by .1. X. WAI.KEil. Atrent for Ilawaiian Islamls. Fire, £iifc & 2VIarine ~*INSURANCE* Hartford Fii’e Insui'ance Co., Assets, 67,109,825.49 London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co.. Assets. 64,317.052.00 Thames & Mersey Marine Ins. Co.. Assets, 66,12 4,05 7.00 New York Life Ins. Co., Assets, 6137,499,198.99 (. O. I1GRGE11, General Agent for Hawaiian IslanJs, Honolulu, H. I. V oi‘ty-Kio] it 1 1 Amiual Rei)°rt 0F THE L1FE l\SI R.\\CF, C0„ JOHN MeOA^LL, i^i'eNielen* S’ammai7 of IE3eport: Business of 1892. Premiura lueome 6 25,040,113 93 Int€re.st, Rents, etc 5,896,476 90 T0TAL LVC0ME, $30,936,o 90.83 Deatb Claims 6 7,896,589 29 Enilowrnents aml Annnities 2.484.432 29 Divideuds, Purchased Insnrance, etc 3,618,990 75 T0TAL T0 POLIO ) HOL J)ERS, 313,993,012.33 Nnrnl>er of New Policie< I-'ued $ 66.259 00 Amonut of New Insaxnnce Written 173 605,070 90 Condition Jan. I, 1893. ASSETS, $137499,198.99 Liabilities, 4 {>er cent. 'Undird 6120,694,250 89 Snrplus 16,804.948 10 Namberof Polioi**s ia Force. 224.008 00 Amonni of Insurance i- Force 689.248,629 00 Progress in 1892. Increase in Benefits to Policy-Iloldei<s ... .1 1.323,521 45 Increase in Assets 11,551,908 18 lncrease in .Snrplas 1,663,924 79 lncrease in lnsamnce Written 20,940,088 00 lncrease in Ināomnee in Force 60.165,451 00 C. O. BERGER, Geaeral Agent for Hawaiian Islands, Hooolulu, H. I.