Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 2, 19 September 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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L. H. DEE, HOTEL ST.. Between Fort anil Betbel Streets. W.S. LUCE Fire-proof Hloek, MERCHANT ST. HONOLULU HO YEN KEE & CO„ Tinsmiths nn<l <lenlers in Crockerv ware, GIassware, etc. VVater Pipes Laid andRcpaircd, Plnmbing Neatly Executed. No. 41 Nmianu }St., between King an<l Hotel Streets, Aseu Building. Jobber

H. E. MclNTYRE & BRO.. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS EN Groceries, Provisions &. Feed EAST CORNER FORT & KIN(i STS. New Goods received bv every Paekek frora the Eastern States and Europe. Fre*sh Caīiforma Prodnce by every All Orders faithfully attend"d to, aud Gootls delivere<l to anv part of the City-Free of Charge. fsland Orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Offi<'e Box No. 145. īelephone No. 92. Holomua •> Publishing ♦ Co., PUBLISHERS OF THE “ HAWAll.. holomua: A Journal issued l)ail.v, (Snnd;iy excepted) In the English langoage. and pledged m pohcv to snpport the Rights Pbevileges of the Hawaiiak People. the interests of the laboring men, and good and honest Government for the whole conntry. jOB PREVTERS All Books and Job Pbi>tixo neatly execnted at short notice and at moderate fignres, B1LL HEADS, CARDS, LETTER HEADS. POSTERS. etc., Finished in First-CUās style. Island Orders solicited and promptly attende<l to. Office : Thomas’ Block, King Street, Honolnin. H. I.