Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 2, 19 September 1893 — Emma Street. [ARTICLE]

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Emma Street.

What have the nnfortun?te residents of Emma street d<>ne that the powers that be sbould treal th»*ni in s leh an outr3geous manner by turning the prettiest and ?hadie3t 3treet in Honolulu into a wildernes3 and a de3trt. inacces9ible both to carriages and pedestriane ? M e have never yet eeen any Road Supervisor tearing a whole street to pieces at onee. As a rule,.the side-walks are left undi3turl)cd until the carriage road is finished. but not so here. We sho\'ld suggest to the residents on Emma street to do something. say get ont an injunction r or a writ <>f ermr. or a darnus against the R<>.id Supervisor aud the Minist»-r ot Interior, cotnpelliug them to put back the trees and get the strect in a ahape fit for traveling.