Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 2, 19 Kepakemapa 1893 — The Boston. [ARTICLE]
The Boston.
When the Boston sai!s on the *27th inst. fro» tbe Hawaiian waters. we hope the nnpleasant episo<le whieh bas tiistorbei.l the interual atiairs of our little eountrv is nearing its end. It will be impossible in the fotare for the Hawsiians to connect in their na mories, the Boston and her officers in a kind or friendly manner. Althoagh the officers aud men on board her on!y obeyed the orders of their ā<>|>erior when the lawless Tanding took plaee on the 16th of January they have been inclined to take sides in the politieal storm here and have been looked on with distrost and suspieion by the raajority of the eommunity. Several of the offieers followeil in the footsteps of the late Captain dtse and be■1 eame otfensively partisans and
annexationists. The \musnal sight of seeing tbe nav.il officers of a friendly coontrv- p’ay tbe role of stnmp speakers and wanl politicians raade a decp impression on the Hawaiiana and was a sonrce of great surprise and amusement to the respectable foreigners bere. The Boston now departs nnd we trnst that sbe will find other fields in tbe fntnre for ber ventnres than the Hawaiian I>lands. We cannot pn>mise har a weleome in this port.