Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 2, 19 Kepakemapa 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

- ~ 3Urarti$mmte IU«T ARRiVED, Baby Carriages I { ov Al . >; '■ ES, Carpets, !Iiius. *Mats IN THE LA l! T i TTEKNS. “HOUSEHOLD’ Se\viiw Machines H vnd Sewing Machixes, AU W»thth« !.>!»-t I.- j PARLOR Org::‘Tis, Gruitar*s, Ar.d Olb» r Muaienl Iu^lnnnenU. 1 ■ • • Wines. Liquors, Beer AI,WXVt> ON HAM). A\D POB SALE BT ED. HOFFSCHLiEGEE l 00. Kiug St.. opi«. Ca!.tlc A Cookc’8r LEWIS 3c Co., Wholesale and Retail Grocers AXD PROVISION DEALERS, FRESH CAUFORNIA 8ALM0N ON ICB B_v Evcry Sau Pnuieiiwo > U“Hiner. Salt SaLMoX IX BaRREL8 a Spbcialtv. iii Tort St., Honolulu. Tel. 240. O. ~hox 297. CHOCR L t)R. MEKOHANT TA1L0R, Xo 321 Nunauu Strcvt, ALL SU1TS UUARAXTEED TO F! T, 11 nd MADE in the BEST STYLE. CLOTUESCLEANED axd REPAIRED. WING WG i C0., Manufactim*rs aml Dealers iu L»tlies’, Oents' & Chililren's Boot$, $jū8g No. 35, s||l Honolulu, Nuuauu Street • O. Box 198 Boots aiul Shoes made to order iu Best St> le, >t IV ho!esale and Ketail Prices. WIN6 WO TAI & Co.. No. 2U N«a ua Strcct, C0MM1SSI0N MERCHAXTS, Ituportcrs &nd Deakrs in GEX' L MER< HA XIHST. Fine Mauila Cifiars, Chiuese and ,1 v ;itu se Crock rvware, Mattings, Vases of all kmds. Camj>horwood Trnnks, Rnttan Chairs, a Fiue Assortment of Dress Siiks, Best Brands of Chine.se and Japanese Te«s of Latest Import.ttions. lnsjiHVtiou of New Goods KeBpectfully Solicited. Mutual Tel. 266. P. O. Box 158. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIYEN THAT Haji Loy and Chin Klai ba\e this day SOLD ALL THEIR R1GHT!8 in a Certain Leaae of Prem)&es sitn&ted in Kalia, VVaikiki. to PANG AH MAN. Honolola, Sept 13, 1893. Iw