Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 1, 18 Kepakemapa 1893 — The P. M. S.S.China Arrives. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The P. M. S.S.China Arrives.

The P. M. S. S. China, Captain Seabury, arrived this morning from San Franc:sco, whieh port she left on Monday, the 12th instant, at 3 o’eloek p.m. She , carrics a large list of pnssengers | for l'okohama and Honkong, and , ! is to take any passeogei-s fron» this port. The Chiuese exMinister to Washingt«>n is return- ; ; mg tu China bv her. Among the ' kamnainas returning to ilonolulu 1 we notice H,;n. Augnst Dreier, j who has spent severul montbs in ; ; Germany «nd the United St ites. - Mr. Dreier is looking unusuullv ‘ ° . , well, «nd has enjoyed bis trip > greatly. The Ch:na leaves this afteruoon at 5 o’eloek. i The mail brongl»t by the China ■ coutains little of int rest to Ha- • waii exce: t the appoiotment of ; the s»ccessors to Minister B!ouut i and Consul-Qeneral Severanee — Mr. Aibert S. Willia of Kentucky has been selected to represent tbe United States in Hawaii ; f while Mr. Ellis Mills who w«s here as secretary to Mr. Blon t has been appointed Co sulGeneral. Both arpointments j will be hailed with great sat sfaction in Hon"ln u, wbere Consul-GeneraI Mills has won J a any friends* The new offici ls did not arrive by the China. bnt mav be expected by the next steamer from tbo coast.