Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 1, 18 September 1893 — TOPICS OF THE DAY. [ARTICLE]

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It is to<* b d ab *ut that ball at the Hawaii n HoteI tu raorr< w night, wh eh is given >s >« furewell t * the • ffice , ‘s un the Boston, nnd as a weleoine to ihe Phila(lelphia officers, aud whieh does not receive the c;>unten nea of tlie iinnexation c!>.ib and of the Stir ed.{or. T<>e last named coroplains becausa the b «1 1 is to be g van at the H >tel, .« b ildmg whieh has « royalist flavur, and whieh is too sraa!l to hokl the members of tlie clnb The St r edit<>r evi«lent!y intends t<» issue invit tious for the b.«ll t» his 1 chums in the club, aud if the 2,000 Portugueso are inclnded in th t number, the Hotel will un d»>ubtedlv b' t >o aoiall to bo!d then». But ‘ the leading ><nnexatiouists” wh<> j)rophtc;es th t the ball wili be a f.«ilure, bccause they ‘‘i»in’t g<>ing” shou*d have kej»t stid until tbey received ■ the:r invit tions. It uiay sound unnutural to tl»e edit >r of the Star aud the leading aunexationist-, bnt. it is yet >« fuct that a bnll eau be give:> and b« > great success, and that the offioers ou the Bost>>n and Philadelphi « roay be able to raeet all they care to meet of Honohilu s 'ciety w thout a single raeraber of the club or tho St r ed t«-r bemg preseut. It m >y seera i»nposs ble to the great guns in the club and brother Smitb, ‘‘but thems are the facts. ” We h>«d decided to throw a vcil «>f ob ivion Over all the ebu!lutious whieh have nppeared ’ iu tbe annex >tiun org «nsfor tbe last two weeks. and we were prepared to igm»re all tlie usnai or unus»al r<<t whieh tlie twoeditors ! Lurri<d in during the suspension | «<f our pa]*er, but wlien Mr. Jofaustone calls Ed.tor Logan «n j “excuse f.*r an editor,” we must corapliment hun f>*r s]>e)iking ! abont wh«t he k»ows f<>r onee. ! Wheu Mr. Johnstone at one tnue w«s the edit«>r «>f the Bnlletin, Mr. Logan lmd e nstantly t» be “an eic»se’’ forhi»i,and satisfy the clamor of the “devils” for I i copy by \vr<ting the editorials hiraself. The reasou —wby we tell it not in G.«tb. We would like to know \vhere in th« world a detachroeut of reguh«r so!diers with a eannou is eveu nsod for the pur]»ose of arrestiug one (1) cr mināl If tbe poliee force is nnahle to perform the siraplest duties. geuerally attachcd to snch an organ.zation, they < should be disb «uded snd relegitcd tu sell leis on Nuuanu Street amoug the other old women. A cont mporary states tbat ?100 was otfored as au inducera nt to fi d out if the eniuiual iu Ewa w..s really dead after

the ,jne t oosaud (m'>re or le3s) shots had beea fired int*> tbe bouse \rhere be was known to be. Tbe polieemen must be well otf iudeed, eveu f*r these bad tiu>es s nee eveo $100 were oot sufficient teuj>tatiou fur aoy of tbem to go aud Like a look at tbe bad, bad corpse.

In the ex|*edition to Ewa, tbe Fortign Office was represented by Mr. Hatch’s Aule de eamp , Major P«>tter. His presence is accoanted for by the possibility th=it dii>lom!itic neg«»tiations might lmve been necessit ited betwe£n t‘ie learned Attorney-Gen- ■ eral «nd the Lej>er, and the ; Major coald then have been nsed to carry the white dag or otherwiso exhibit his military and : diplumatic pruclivities. — The Star contained a glorions description of the fertiiity of the Puuwaawaa bmd in Kona Hawaii the other day and made the montlis of the “voung men with I - ° savings” in Honol du water bv expl«ining tbe prospects of making a fortune by t<king np h<>inesteads in that God-forsaken : d str ct. It w.isqnite interestiug to iead about the baiul <>f cattle whichthe Star-correspondeut aud | other entimsiastic homesteadboomers drove to the fertile plainsof Pnuwaawaa ably assitst ! ed by Oolonel the Hon. C. P. lauke i homestead - prornoter-in-chiof of the P. G. Tlie Star forg»*t thoiigli to tell its readers that tlie last heard from Punwaawaa j about the band of cattle was that ! the boys were busy skinning the | horned qu idrupeds—everyone of them liav.ng died fr>»m disgnst and despair by lookiug at tlie Star’s fertile bomesteads. The , Colonelarrived in Honolulu withj out being skinned.