Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 1, 18 September 1893 — TO OUR READERS. [ARTICLE]
Tlu Haw.ui HoLOmi'A appears to-tl;iy ftt.‘r tw< weekssospension in a ii< w f• »rm. The Holomua Pi m.;siiino CoMPAKY haring bec >ice pr<»pr'«torsof the paper have «locided to an E .glishdaily p i ei * veiy afterlioou. Tais step has beeu taken i v<mling *1... uften exprcssed .< s ou ilie p.iii <>f «ur patrous, : 1 wo h**p<* >t wiil bo satisfac- ( to t!> m. We have noted v th M)u»e ;.iti';s<-:j;ent the haste «rd gi<*e vr»th whieh <>ur alleged clvuiise \v i? hai!* d by tne two ii uuexat. 'U-0»g <us. The Editor tf ti»e moriiing paptr has even 1 <*i'ic< <l up d r.ng tln* last week, ii nd b<*come (ju.te fresl» — he needs ► lt while the <!r< ary Star iiuin. has sora<* what prematurely r <d hir- R. I. P. ovor onr supposnl c< 1 p- • The IIoloml’A is ntiil t » tlit* fnre, aml will remain j t> ere in spite of tho croaking of ( t •• w<<u! 1 1 •• • ;'>cial j<> imale and their handf il of pohtical snpporters. Tho N/o r and the Advcrti#e / >' liave iaken < ccasion to repeat the 1 • iiivcut<,d sorae m<>iiths ago for i ()litical pur ; >os<'s Vi\ tliemselves, th it Htr M ijesty the Quecn has li ien snpporting this jonrnal or V iS in auy wuy fin«ucinlly intort t« d iu it. We f iil to see what j . ssible benctit the annexation e ;ns«' ean g'in by the cons(ant i> iteration «>f thisassertion whieh 1 >th tlie « dilors r.*ferred to know t • be a lie, bnt we shall con£ne ourselves to onee raore stamp the s «teui«-nl <>f tho two papers as utterlv f >lse and nntrue and posilivel\ «leehne that the Queen in no wav ever ii 'S been <»r is intere * d in the Hawaii Holomua. 1’he pol?cy of the Hawaii Holomoa will be continucd on t •> same lines as has heretofore j ) n t!i-; case. The proprietors a nd coudoctors of tbis jourual f>'id<, l> !i<\ in *ho honor of the l ii.t d St.it< s. uud are couvinced j t!ie gr« it wrong douo to • Hawaii ainl t<> tho Hawaiian |>eo- | p!e iu tu<' name of the Gre«t . 3! ■ !>!i: v ' be un lone, and j ( at all ‘>!e redress will be nia le f r the outr.ige eomraitted . ) J >hn L. St< vens the man C’ )s >a in a raoraett evil to Haw > i at 1 t tho l nit*'d States to l*<' e- 'i>.t the Americ i»i adn»inis-f;-itio*’. in Hawaii. l'lial jnstice w.il b< il >>'.*.' (•> t > ' Hawniiaus : no huve ncv a<)ubted. an«l ihnt U' - f g »ve:ntn nt deprived a f pe >plo tbrough the agency ©f Unit 1 St ■ troops nnd guns j v i!l be re-ostablished no uian C i; t ' 1 - li-ve wlio knows ihe eh »i <e!< i. t j rinciples and t' o h:gli ><-.ise <>f honor of tbat trm< \u)ericau who to-d.«y by the i,’.ll . ' \n.i*ric'\n j»eople is p’aee 1 «t the he<d of tho United t - g >veriuncr.{. Tiie Hawaii Hoiomi’a will fearlessly haiulle th«* t 'p;es of interc;t to the ct>antiy und to thc p oplo. and n v*r hesitate in t ii iig t"i tr ;ih,»n l ; endontlyof w io w.ll got bnrt, b <t, there will ia tbrs< columnsl>e no prying iuto
the aff iirs of priv ite intlividuals. no Hi>sanna sung over tbe niisfortunes of political eueroies, and no sc md.il-mongering for the satisfactionof the male and fema!e goss;ps so abumlint in this Paradise of the Pacific. The Hawaii HoLoML'A is pledged to support the rights and privileges of the Hawaiian people, the interestsof the laboring raan and good and honest goveruroent for the whole conutry, and to the fu1filment of that pledge we will devote all our efforts and all the means at our disposition.