Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 1, 18 September 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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$fnfral Theo. PA$tvauN. A 'V. EounEH. ALOHA GALLERY, 513 Fort Stt.ket Honowle. Portraits & Landscapes Finest Collectk»n o£ Hawaiiau Vievrs. P. O. B.. j 4fW. “FAT BOY. 8AY H0RSE 5 S? 8AL00N I P. MdSERNY, 1 roprlltor, Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. Oohnek Bethel and Hotkl Sts. Elias KaLilulaau Wright DEXTIST. Coinir of King anel Betbd Sts., Cpstairs. Entranoe on Kiug Street. Officf. Eocrs—From 9 a.ni. to 12 m.. 1to 4 p.m. £37" Sumla_vs excei ted. CHAS. GIIiDLER, Impoitt‘r and Commission Merchant. A1EN*T FOR .1. i P. Coats Maohine Thrend Juuas Bnx ks’ Maehiue TureuU B»rlx>nr’s Lineu Tiiread Peuiw’ So«p P. O. Bos 3ō8. Mutnul Telephoue 704 ESTABL1SHED A. D. D63 Pioneer Steam Candy Factory! B A. IC K 11 Y amd lee Cream Parlors F. HORN, Proprietor. PRACTICAL lifi.‘ctiooer & Ominneūlei' In all hnnehea of ihe bnsiness on these islands. AMERICAN. FRENCH, ENGLISH axd GERMAN PASTR1ES MADE TO ORDER. Wedding and Birth-day CAKES Made of tbe very best materiul, ansurpassed in richness of qn«ii ty und oruamented in unappnmehabie stvle. at lower priues than any other establishtuent in Honolnln. Fanuly \ Fancy Bi f ead, Gauva Jelly, Preserved Tamarinds and Tamannd Symp. ALL CONFECTIONERY Mannfactored at my Eatabiishmeot are Guaranteed t") be PosmvELY ! Puke and sold at prices no other estabHsbment eau compete with. FACTORY & STORE, No. 71 Hotkl Stbkbt, Bet«een Nnuanuand Fort 8treets . BOTH TELEPBOS£8 Ko. 74. »