Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 1, 18 September 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
?nsinfss (fards H. F. BEKTLEMA.\N. j CONTRACTOK AND BUXDER, j 86 King St.. Bt*U Teleph'>ne 107. ! HARIUSON BBOS , | Cyco\TRA'TORS AND BITLDERS, 208 Fort St.. Honolnla. THO •!AS LINDSAY. M(innfi(ctur{iij JettvUr aiul Wa(chmakrr, Meīnernr BWk, 403 F,>rt St.. Honoluln. MERCHANT S EXCH\NGE. S. I. SHA\V, Proprirt »k, CH01CF. LIQU0RS aud FIXE BFER, Cōrner *>f King and Nutninu Sts.. Mutuni Tel. 423. Ilonolulu, HAWAIIAN CHINESE NEWS CO . Lt.MiTtu, Pnblishers nnd Propretors of the HA WAIIAN CH1SESE\NEWH (A Newspnper Published in the Chinese Lungnage> Lithogr*ph Work of all Descriptions Esecoted with Seatuess «n>< l>isp<tch »t Re» souabIe Rates. N>>. 8.1 King St . Honoluln Mntn-1 Tel, 003. P. (>. B.>x 417. f CHOCK L'iOK, MERCHANT TA1L0R, No 321 Nnnaan Street, ALL SVITS o L/AKĀM'EEh T(J Fll\ and MADE in the BEST STYLE. CLOTHES CLEANED and BEPAIRED. LEWIS & Co., Wholesale and Retail Grocers AND PROVISlON DEALERS. FRESH CAL1F0RNIA 8ALM0N ONICL By Every >au Francisco .-teamer. S.\LT SALMoN in Bakrels A Specialtv. iii Fort St., Honolulu. Tel, 240, F. O. hox 2gj. H. MAY & Tea 0ea.ers, Coffee Roastere 0 Provi8ion Merchants 98 Foit Strot.-t, - Houoluln Farailies, Piant=itions and Ships su|>plied w;th ehoieeai Euwpean &A merican Groceries > C Iiforuia Pr«>dnce by £very Steaicer. ' 1 Bell Telep’ionc 381. Post Offioe Box 32. W.W. WRIGKT4S0N J Cam.ige & \Vagon Boilders Is All 1ts Bbasches. Horee8hoeing |, A SPEC1ALTY. 79 and 80 King St, Honololo. ’ 1