Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 1, 18 September 1893 — LATEST FOREIGM NEWS. [ARTICLE]
—~— Mrv Grover Cievtī;uid gnve 1 birth to a g rl ..t 2 o*cl« ck \\ m. «>n Sept. 9th. Tb -i- tī first child born :u tl»e M'hito Hot..se, aml iin ava!jmcbe of cfngiatu!ations are .streatn ng in « n tbe prood fnther. Il s rumored tbat there is ci»ns der:tb'e d .scu.ssion as to the umql by whioh the new itrnval will be kuown, th«' Presideut it is j refening either Fmnces oi R >ae. The l . S. Cn i;or Pctr it has been onlered to Dr;*z.I tu protect American iufcre.-ds in o .-o o» serious trouble during the nunored revo!ut on. 8pringfieid (M.ss.), September 11,—A. A. Z .mmerm:;n bruke the wt>rld s bicvcle record f >r one mile in an um tncial tri,tl at Hamden Fark this ..ftemo<>n, tbe tirao being 2:01 35. Th s beats» \Viudle's w rl<l’s rec< nl by oue second. Tbe start w;.- i fiving one. Paris, Sej>tember 8.—J*mes Oonlen Rennclt :s seriouslv ili, bnt is Hpj>areiitly ou the road to recovery. Tne H<»nse of L<»rds Iuts rejecied tbe Home Kale Bill by a vute >>f 248 t ■ 42. Tbo Manjuis of Siiisbury madou iuasterīv speecb aud was received with great entbnsiasm. Oi.tsido tho Parli.tmeiit Honses a large cmvtl of people liad g tlier<.d wlneh recoived the resutt< f the d.visiou witb treiueiid<uis eheerin<r. The Snpreu e Court h s just decided tli« Sli rtridge e nteuii»fc case in f v**r < f tbe edit.»r. Some m< nths ng<> when tho divorce s it of Priee vs. Price was calkd in tlie San Jose Sui erior C<>uit J dge W. J. Loregm decid»d “tli.it all pers<>us be exel .ded froiu t e eo rtroom excej t tlie <>fficers < f the court, tlie p rties aod their • coonsel.” It was f irtner>>rdered ‘ tbat no j>ublic repurt of tbo testimony be made.” On tlie f<»ll<>w.ug day Cbarles M Sbortri<Ige publ:slied iu tho Sun Jose httre*ry , of whieh bo was editor, an article cout ining testimony. Prince Pi-.ra trck is fn»m sciat ea in b<>tb bips partieo'arly in the I ft <<ne extending downwards to tbe leg. Tbe Fnncb geuen»l elections are comj)Med. and the political complexi«n <<f ilie Purliameiit is ancbangetl. Thē government continnes to be at the mercv <>f any possible combination of tho radiculs and the extreme right, and eannoi commatid a soiid majonty. A n iml>er of the best known rnd !eadiug politicians have been defeat d. sacb as P*nl de C»ssagnac. C emeneeaa, Floquet, de M-m «nd otberg. Jerome Roon <| arte, tbe o!dest grand-son «*f King Jerome o( W artemberg. died on the 4tb inst at Beverly. Maas., at tbe ago of sixtv-tbre • years. President Cleve»and retnmed to Washington on tbe 30th of Angnst, after having snbinitted
to hu ojH-r»tiou whieh was j>erf‘>nne*l on his iuoutb aboaiJ of Mr. Benediet's yaclit. Mr. L. Clarke Davis. «f the “Puhlie Ledger,” PhilailelphiH. who is uu mtimate friend of the Presidriit. deuies ind guantty th«t tho Pri.-S'dent is sufibr ng from any d seas« whieh conld canse the country und the frieuds of C»eveln11d uny :darm or uneasiuess whatsoever. The ŪhmnieU of the 9lh inst. eo taius a lengthy Washington disj»i.tcli in whieh it is st ted that 3Im.ster Will s will be iustructed to niake arrangeiuents tor au eleeiion to be held in Hawaii, to d cide ou the future furin of govern.i.eut to be estab 1 shed according to the wili of the Hawaiian j>eojile nuder a unld Ameiiean protectorate, whieli wdl guarantee nou interferciice of a»y foreigu powers at:d the j)reserv;ttiou of interual I eaee and quietness. The Chroniele further states that the U. forces in Honolulu will be roxnforced by other men-of-war while the electi< u and establishiueut of the new goverument t ikes j)lace. In reg nd to the Chinese exclusii>n act, a special to the Seu York W'oilil from Washiugton, on Septeiuber llth, says: The decision of the Admin:str tum to euforce the Geaiy Act so far as tlie fands available will l<eruiit has drnwu a vigorous jto-t*-st fr>uu the Chmese Governmeut. wh eh was j)reseuted to-day to S cr«tary Gresham by Yaug Yn, the uew Chinese Mimster. aud tlie situat.ou hns beco.ue seriously Coiuj>licated. The stateiuent that it hus been decided to susp« nd the oj>er.<t.ou of tue law, however, is tlatly deuied by H cr> t <ry Gresh;»m. wlio said to the 11 urlii corr< S]ioiid«*nt to-mght that neither the President uor auy >uember of the Cabmet woii d or cotud sus|>end the oj»eratiouor e\ec»t on of a law of Ct>ngress, and it is not true tliat tlie Cuiuese Miu.ster has been assured that the Geary law wo> IJ be susj>euded j<eud>ug the passage by Cougress of other Iegislat.ou. Secretary Gresham declined t<» s y aiiyttiing further iu regard to his interview wi|h the Chiuese Minisbr, excnsing himseif np<*n the gn>und that the coufereuce was »-fficial, and that it would be contrary to dijdouiatic |>roc. d<ire to make auythmg puhlie regardiug it.