Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 1, 18 September 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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*Uticrr.. ROYAL IXSrRAXCECO., OF LIVEH POOL. The largest in the World. ASSETS, JAN. I, 1892, - $«,432,174.09 Fire Kisks on :ill kinds "f IosaDioce Property takeu at Current R.ites by ,T. S. VUvKlf, A‘rout tbr Hawaiian MamN. Fire, Life Marine ~*INSURANCEt~ Hartford Fire Insurancs Co„ Assets, 87,109,825.49 London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co.. Assets, 84,317,052.00 Thames & Mersey Marine Ins. Co., Assots, 80,124,057. ( 0 New York Life Ins. Co., Assots. $137,499,198.99 c. o. m:H(;i:it, General Aoent t*»r Hawaiian lslam s, Hom.lulu, H. I. Fox*ty-Kiglitli jVinmal I\ *port -OF T.!E LIFK l\SI R Wl'i; 10., JOHX A. Mo(’ALL. : Pie iden*. Su.mrri.a,r37- of IE£sport: Business of 1892. Premium ineome 8 ‘2-> 0*40.1193 [uterest ; Kents, etc ā «90 47ō 90 T()TAL LYC() I IK, $30,030,600.SJ De:«t< Clit n»s 8 7 890 .'»«9 29 Eml wuienUs »ml Anm» t es 2.484 432 29 Divuleii(ls, Porehased In>am«.ce. re .... 3.61 «.990 75 T0TAL T0 P0LICYH OL DKRS, $ 13,000,012.33 Numl»er «f New P-*lic e.s ls, $ 68,259 (M) Am»»unt <>f Xew lnsi>r»nce Wi r? ... 173.605,070 90 Condition Jan. I, 189 3. ASSETS, S/37400.108.90 Linbil«ties, 4 jn*r ceut. st nd nl 8120 694 2:50 89 Sorp os 16 804 9t« 10 N<««i>ber • £ P< lici -s m F tc ... .... 224.008 00 Amount <•{ lnsuruuce i Force 689.248,629 00 Progress i . 1892. Increase in Benefits to Pulicv-!I«ld«*ra $ 1 323.521 45 Increa.se in Assets 11.551,908 18 Increase in Snrplos 1.663,924 79 l«icivnse in lnsorance Wr>tteu 20.940 088 00 Increase id Insnrance m Force 60.165.451 00 C. O. BERGGR, / General Ageut f«»r Hawaiian lslands, Houoiulu. H. I.