Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 1, 18 September 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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Mr. Canav.irro tbe Portnguese chnrge d’atfa.ires vi«ited the Philndelphia this morning aud was saluted. Marshal Hitchcock returned by the Claudine after having nuule an officiul tour of msj.ection on Maui and Molokai. • The numerous friends of Mr. Frunk Pr;«tt will be glud to le;irn that he s on the lugH road to recovery, aud is exjiected soun to be uble to leave his house. The British Minister Resident M ijor James H. Wodehouse inade an official visit on board the Philadelphia to day, and was received with the nsual honors. The ball at the Hotel to-mor-row night promises to be a great s*iccess. The matii-geineut w.ll sp;«re no etiort in making the occasion as brilliant as j»ossible. Tl»e »rrests t >-d iy consisted of six Coin>»uien who were c mght gimbbng, one Hawaiiau charged with inalicions injurv aud on? ehinaman accused of being a vagraut. Mr. Antone Ri>sa returned from Kanai yesterday, where he had been attending court. Mrs. Rosa aud the great b«by who have enjoyed a two weeks’ residence at Waimea also returned. Admirsl Skerrett and stiff went on bo«rd the Boston this morning for tue pnrpose of making an official inspection of thnt vessel, previous to ber departure. A sulate of thirteen guns w.<s fired. A number of the Philadelphia officers visite<l Sins Sooci yest-r-day. and enj»yed tbe fin« bathing tbēre. The Long Branch bathing est <b)ishmeot and tbe “Villa” were niso well patronixod dnring the d »y. With the eheap and easy facilities offered bv the tram cars and the d;fferent bath ng resorts, there is no reason whv the pnbl<c shouldn' t get wasbei! every d»y.