Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 1, 18 Kepakemapa 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Mr. Abl«*s, tlio manager of the Ice Compnny niet w.th :» painlal accident yesterday in that ho spruined his knee througL a fall frora an iee \vagon. He will eonseqnently be c«>ufiued to his house f«>r sotue tiine.

A nmuber of Ie{>er3 in the W«iniba v;»l!ey oo K«nai b*ive sarr?n(lerftl to the *uthor>t:ee. aml will be bronght to Honolola on the Janie< Makee whioh haa beeo chartered by the governnieot to perforui such service. >The trotting match between Lot Hloei'ii >*nd Oerster for * jmrse of $1,000 * side comes otf next Saturd y «t Kapiolani Park. lt is onderstood that Mr. Holliuger will have the use of Mr. Horner’s j.neumatic tire sulky while Lot Slocum will go to » road cart. Hon. W. H. Cornwell arrived by the Claudme froni Maui yestenl>y. Tl.e Colonel inteuds to bring his family to town next week. where they will take np their residence jvemianently, occnpviug the b**antiful bouse on the corner of King aud Pukoi Streets. whieh Mr. Cornwell j»nrchased from th« estuto of the lata Judge Prestou. We nre pleased to state thst Dr. Fo«'te is improving, »nd that there are pr<*spect3 that ho shortly will be fully restored to lieillh and able to ahow his genial features around the town agtin. e ————————