Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 293, 31 August 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
The Adrerti»er great’y cerncd bec«DM Mr. Sj>rccko , «i toi Ihe people of the L T nited Stat 9iHnething .ib«>ut »hat he mt{ H.i«raii, Th»t there very «ft-n i interviews are misUkes m ide. .hi oiieunderstandi g< by the ir ; i viewers, nobod/ *hould kn»«r bJ ter than Mr. Jiihnsiog. If h«* f<>iloired the gtireer r>f his ev- m wntemp<'rary. the Star, he n 1 h«ve setn ofteu that sh>Tt Ki been culied on to make c« rr«cli >o of atIeged A inlerviews whieh th editnr of thit sheet had succnde in girbling and twisting'in s ;ch‘ manner lbat the pwety interv >«h as a rule wos paratynd by n- .i n statement« and exj>r»ss:.>ns fiUrl pt)t intn his mouih by the ur.s.ry puloue newspaper m.in of Sj( Diego fame. If Mr. Sj recke s.l**y tbat names of dngs eveu ip peared on the hn.ika of th»
I *uv ui iiie amia 1 aiion club, he undoubtrdly exsj gerated in eueh a manner f.»r t n purpose of convejring«n impre*8i«i of the trne etate of «Aain. but w ho, except Mr. Johnsing wouKi t-vej tuke eueh an expres8ion verb«t;iu How raany,by Ihe wny,of llie r.»rt ugueso naemhen of the annex it: o eluh ean read and write? .A i t lhey cannot, who wrote the L’ o| 3.0U0 natne>? It wou!d be ii-pp* e»ting if the Advertieer wuu)d ir v« t»s some eniightenmenton that ject.