Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 293, 31 August 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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m ==^===5 f Tbe rerdict rendered bj the r ° nroo «‘ , « i°i7 whieh waacalled to iavestigate tbe deatb of young Ha11 nawela ia to aay tbe leaai reroarkthe plam dnty of the 1 j«»ry aod of ihe croner to mentino | in the verdict, tbe party or the 1 parties who fired the deadly bullet r aod it wou!d then be fbr tbe Aibir ! ney-General to decide if there waa 1 aoy eauae fur hia departmeot tn f .Uow tbe matter op. We do not couaider thattbe gentleman who i aceidentally au»t tbe U»y ia to » hlame, but we cannot aay the aame i of tbe ehamnan of tbe rang« em • ■ »oittee. It haa beretnfnre aIway> bern4beduty of that.officer to in apeel the target« and bulk heads, aod he ia rvsj« n » ble f<>r the projwr Curditi<>n ef evtrythiug perto the raoge. To mjt that

, *n »gn*>rant jnoung , h*Te wntn thst th- b • < h< w;»s repaire«l aj'd in a s»fp c : i t j is »implr absurd. Tbe rhsin, of th« rauge-coa3raitlec wa 5 ati range on hone-haek *nd j»ho< personally h»ve mspectod thing prerioos to the beginniot th« pn»ctice. Hi« failure lo d<> throws tbe responsibi)itv t‘ r | poor death on his sh»<ild< and it is to be boped th«t the s »ccident will be a severe 1p*-< the sbarp-shooting gentlencen t.\ the future, exercise more care u more cireumspection in :hd 9j>ort.