Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 293, 31 August 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
What a tremeudou8 struggle for spoils the two org»ns have inaugur»ted at this Iate date! After b**th Mr. DoIe and Mr. Damon had pub* licij expressed their policy iu re-5.-«rd t» reinoval nf i fficialr fnr pol-
i ilīeal re;*sons. and had !aid down > lhe»r v»ew th.it as iongasanoffi eial to<»k no active part in po)itics. be should n-m.iiu undisturhed, th« community g*»t a rest from the frantic scaip buot«rs and boodlers. S>.ice Mr. D»»le bas retir«d fmn» lheguvernmentaiid Mr. Hatch sb-p ped mto bis plaee. ihe annexationists now nuee another atteropt to g*-t m pofg»ssionof the gowmment pap. but although it is very sad—f»»r then»—the fact remaii»8 that Mr. F M. Hatch is uot built that w»y, and is not to be usrd as a catspaw for tfce h»»ogry mob now now yelping f.*r office. lt is tn»e that Mr. Hatch ie l'resident of the annex»tiou eiuh, and for that rea 8oo the implied threat in the Star that the gnvernment bas better do as it is toid. or theannexation eluh mi(bt go aft«r it and eompel it io °bey the Star and tbe Advertiser >eoome8 rather puerile and abeurd. The Presidentoftheolub Mr Hatch is n«»t Sikely |o be very severe on Ihe President of the P, G. Hatch.
Th«t the sudden 3nd peremptory removal i*f ali the exporienced and i>ffieicnt officia!s wouid be highly dvtr*mentil to the country and toj thecivil 8-rvice isof no moment| U* lbe two org«n frindcrs.« Bothj have admitted tbat thereis not suf-| fcient maienai in the ranks of tbe annexMtion e!» b to give us «n hon-1 e«*t and aatirf:ict ry poiiee fnroe. an<) I \f the aunex.<tion blatherskites are { not even fit to do a poiiceD*an’a| duty, honr ean thejr be intrusted| w<th tbe iiu|M»rtaut pnilkna of the govemment service?
A* th* Portngueaeoatnumber tb« natitfoalities iw tba ehik by two to «h«,H wonli ocly be &ir •nd uainial tbat tbe majnrity ,4 Ihe spoti and pwHIom ttbon)d &H lo ihoee inle«vttiqf aonexatioQīatB, ■W wn«nn >os»fiae tbc lhreiy and Exeeutive eoo» eils8booldxive wav ko-lhi «h*«»>r «nd threatoof tbe tw» b«red acribblen for tbe club io
I . . , , *** °* **» *ictim«l h “ uterB wb 'ch were IIWW m l*»t ni g ht*s 8tar, we A.N Kepoikai. ** w it» pnneipiea i.f the n»od«līnfeni to try mW&wM* »nto tbe ind-:d»ry PlNW U wma dooe opon tbe
-; «ppointaienfcf Judg» Rnbertsoo. ;> where tbe Stir con*!den*d it « gncd i qaa!itj sn the y*wr»g sc»»ntTeruao . tbat he wa» a eUuneh aunexationiM s altho 'gb he uhder tbe i dravback of being a brother to tbe - Queen*« Chamberlain,but in regard i to Judge Kepoikai tbe unfortunate ! (tbongbnutforbim!)£*etistbath«is > gnodf»rabont fouryeara becaasetbe iavgof tbeonuntry aresoabominab!v iuadetb«ta Judg**canootbe turued out «t the sweet wil) of anyhudy even if it is the editor of tha Star.
. Among otber officia1s who are U be peremptorily dismiraed acc<>ruing to the Star »re, Messn. W. G. Irarin, A. Herbert and A. Jaeg<>r. who at present constitute ihe Board of .Agricullure. These gentleineu must either join the annexation eluh or lose their billets. When we reme.uber that theduties (>erfor.ne«l by these gi>iit!emen are d-<ne ,without e >mpens>ation of any kiud and really bring with them both lo83 <>f t:nie, and inconvenienee, we fear that the threiiteoed dismissal wiil not strike terror int>* the hearts of the three roentsnred cit«*ens who are serving the eoun try at the earnest request of the g>*vernment. The asinine prn|>en sities of tbe Star edil»r, are being consUnt!y emphHsiaod, and the sugg»stion to dismi33 the Board of Agricuiture, heeauee the memhen think difiWreotly on tbe poliiieal question of the day. tban the 8Ur editor does is r«ther a sublimely idiotic idea. The 8Ur editor ahou'iH
«wn. *u« umi rqiHir ouOllia doc loae B!ghl of the fect that the tbree gent!emen in quettion tre hxpQjrfrs, and men of nrtny jreera reeidence in tbe country «nd tbat tber perb«paare moreentitled to haee a eoiee in deeiding the future of tbis conntry th«n bas the imf)orted St*r ecribbler or the 3,000 Portuguese eooliee of tbe annexation club fame.
In tbe roeantime the Jodge and the rnt nf ihuae duomed to die bjr tbe annexatif'n ‘•club" pan re»t 9»BJ. Aleaaia. broitb and J»hoainc w 11 work lheir si>leen off after a few more iaauea, and ailenee wiil again reign among thnee thirating f r o£Bcial g.»re, while the tw«» editora will forther drve!op their menUl pareaia and write about Moeqoitoea and anti fat