Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 293, 31 ʻAukake 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Thk «bpurdily of the 8tateiDent«i iu«d« in C«Iifirni« paperR by tin>ir Honolulu cone»p«nd«nt» re.«ehed a «lim«x wheu it was ei«tmed th»t |ir. Blount'« unexpected dep«rture ir-4n Haheii w»s c«08ed by the •Uitude of the Jap»nese gnrernanent. Wbnt driv«llinf ineanity! !•r. Biount w»s ex)ie<9cd m Waah l>*gton for »hm iime, and the tUth of Angust wae the day nn wlneh he was iappneed h» reaeh
Ihe Awnan eapiui. Mr. Bim»nt 4niiA bother biiaacif abdut the Jrf|ttncee gorernittent or any priWaie afftire bctwew.tb|t fcmpu* Md Ihe Hewaiiin lsbinds. Sr. •loiwi kne» bw huwneaa here, and b<fcfayillid h|n ilnMin |rr « il>» tt*tuation bere aud n> *fted il m be ik Whnl «a fattt repect ih» W »a».t Mr Nen .•:Ml. xa . m. M n. "■
tion des:re« tn preserve the omj cf these Islar.da and to keep the ilawaiian dag doatirg over a free and an indepeodent people. Whai amngements aueh a free and independent people tbroogh its goveraroent ma j aake wllh Japanoranvother power pfajs nomlein the caleulatioR8 of tbe Uoited States 8o long as thev retain the moral supremacj in Ilawaiian affairs whieh thevenjoj to-day and aod will keep f»rever.