Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 293, 31 August 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Tiik Adverti*er s«vs tbat it wa« |nrtunate tbat Mr. Biount heoame with the !e»dire r<»yal jfc*' *»d 8o learned what bad men khey were. If Minister Bionnt arfiv»d «t the 8>me eonelueioo in r pird to his royali8l acq»aintance8 Iw tfie Adverliser evident'y dtn», he •jbst be> fo t ,d of b»d conij»any, be£u8e it is an indicput»ble fact he H8Sociated a great deal noore kh the 8" called rojalists tban he §Ver did with Uie aonex«tionist8, •nd lbere are ma»»j expreesions h»ro to pruve the bigh c«*n»idCration witb whieh he rejr«rded ■oen like Parker, Cornwell, Ri«m 5»td Wilaon, with whom he heeame i terms whieh ean bn called notbiog less than friendlj. As tbere ienome pr *b«bilitj that Mr.Blouot will return to his pust in Hawaii, •« sh.ill not adopt the tactice of tbe apnexat«on organs bj publiehing -■f*nvate remarks and private eon Versation8 al)eged lo haveeibanat«d from that higoly esteemed geutle ■un.