Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 292, 29 August 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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Mk. W. 0. Smith should reaign from the Attorney-General8hip. Afler his fiasco in the conspiracy Cise he comraitted a still b’.gger blunder iu the Kenyon-Stevens lihel c;tse. The urosecution was oot ready to go on!! Mr. Smith ouldn't get intothe U.S. Legation, where he claimed were certain documents bearing ou the case!! May we ask the learned gentlemnn what documents there pnssibly ean bc in the U. S. Legation hearing on the alloged lihel case of the Hawaii Uolomua, whieh are not euber in original or induplicate in the Foreign Oflice of this land? May we ask the attoraey who swore oul the warrant for the arrest of editor Kenyon, and had 1 him by special »>rder locked up in a felon's eell, how he is to obtain or procuir :>.ny documents from the L. S. Leg.ition? <.to to! Mr. N\ .O. Smith and try lo hēamanl The loop-hole through whieh the P. G., lhrough its learned Attorne} T-Gen-*ral crawled s>> ne to avoid bringiug on the case agalnst this paj>er ■vhows the weakness and the imheciiitv of the whole adiuinĪ8traticn. Thc dcfense was re:idy aeeording to the !nsistant instrucliou ol tho persocution. The defense wns prepared cven to j>rove the lmth of the remarks in the Ohio jiaper, whieh was repriutt*d m dnfco!nran?. The defense wo’nU havo called M«P6re. Dole, W aterh >uso. Emmelulh. Hartwell. Soper. »uti oih<jre. nmi wwuld; : L|avo nmdo fl.lho«o g,ntlen»*ni-‘ t*stiQr tbe fact That Mr. J. L. Stevens was their eo-conspir tctf, th th£ lut4ē. The defense would have shown the rebuke and disavowment of the «ethe Harrison adnoiuistr*tiuu, and art>uld have uroven that df Mr. Stevens wa? that df a l o>hber. or a nirate chief as *tHe Voung$to»n 1 inairator 8»"» iwt®nse5j »hirked Uie arrcst of Mr. Keiivon, amd not bav*»g the aiw»! * e>«r»f» 4* « weHU gets the c»sa postponed uutil he ean S. l egaiiou. Dkl aojbo4f_«MK 1' I «V* I | . J x "1.1

It i« oommonIy renort«d, and an > ! editorial ia the P. C. Advertiser of! 1 this morning condrms the rnmor 1 lhat tb« governmenl projx«es to ( | give way to the learned Attorney- j uenerai acd make more amsts. We hear i'iwm a member of tbe de- j tective (save the mark!) force that Mr. W. 0. Smith has to!d one of i his reliable (!!!) men that lo pre-1 vent any dislurbance on the 2nd oi 3eptember, Her Majesty s birthday, certain arrests will be made among whieh the most nolahle will be the arrests of Messrs. Parker, CornwelI, Colburn and Peterson — Her Majesty’s cabinet. As a rule we with the majority of the eommumty would jx»h-pooh the idea and consider it simply a Marmoutly varn, but smce we dnd that Mr. W.O. Smith relies on, and glories in his spies, we are incliued to believe that his inclination is ruuning in the channels referit d to! and that there may be some truth in the tale. That actiug president aud minister of fareign affairs and eommander - in - chief • with - no -rankwhatsoever. Hatch ahonld give his sauction to such outrage as we beiieve is contemplated hy Mr. W. 0. Smith is more thau we ean beiieve. The fact remaius. though, that from the pa«t career of the P. G. and moreespecially of the Att r-ney-General, the pahlie has a right to eome to the conclusion that although tue merabers of the government are very Iimited in eomprshens!on, iu statemanship, and in tact. they have an unlimited facility for making asses of themseives and they hardiy ever lose their opportunity. For that reas<.in the “suspected” gentlemen better he prejiared to tase an enforced «aeaiion and enjoy the P. G’a jail gruh. We would for humanity's sake, lbuugh suggtst to the learned Att torney-Genen»l not to make the arrests of tbe late eahinel before the evening as otherwise he might interfer£ severely wtth Ihe ; races iu K.ap olaui Park. lt woald , i break the beart of Lord Brock if ■. h'»uwner cpuld n* t be preseat and w5tr t - uir vi«tory. we would :CoūSid*r it retined cruelty to allow , 1 B.Hy G. tn go cgder the wire two ;ynoeea—not even the iength of Mr' iSftith's—ahead of Amorino witbev*ry Hn*'” * pnf Mt>. ■ h?tn:tb to rrcoR»idrt hl« allegēd de- • | 1 cffeiku ’ and dffir īiie crtesfU of the >ftlāngērdhs men in -oti6oed, ind We | __ __ , - - _ - ‘

• to tranqumlze £he miegi7liigB cftbe illfiirhe4 «j- ■ &*rot to BtU! hia eo*mcieD«*.> i ** «4 r u* t. At tb* «une time we pHKoin r |% ~i iq» r "JtA* - 0B8W ■ iSS SS "v «ww. T w aad &■ -’ ■ ,-- :i - * ; .-’i r.V ■ ,- ’- •ni »A -;,-j. -a?' JŌ»V3fi^aiS

th?r* is a iv trutb in th?r-imnr that' i theAttornev-ii«oeral intends to pro voke a dīstorbance by any rash I | and uncalled for aot the conwrv* - j ' t tive and iutel!igent niembers ot 1 the governmenl should loot into it: ■ and oall a halt while it ret is timt. 11