Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 35, 26 ʻAukake 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
A ROYALIST YAJty, — 0* — How th* Plaxtkm’ Mohthlt’» EditoHIAL GOT INTO THK KDITORIAL COLCJOre 0F TUS OHOAN. Rcsp€ctully ded : cated to the P. C. A. cf the 17th :nst., by Sjimt Sjtmsu. Ridica1ous Pompoa:ty Wuo prateth with verbosity Of rjyalist atrocity And goeth with veloclty For every monanhkal ratnor, fie»i>s bitter dAtnnation Un the whole of creation Who oppoae ann ‘xation Or view segregation In an aspect not auiting hia humor. His rant on sedi 4 ion • lo every edition, His brifli*nt raodition Of the coontry’s coodition Are sometbmg to mace angels snicker. For his co**.seienee erratie, H>s logic ehaotic, H a aeal patriotlc And hia alnah idiotie, \ Are aabjscta of hartar aod dleker. We wisaed tbe rnflIetion Of hia ponder «• d ction, And saddened reflection Grew lnto conviction, That the“hnstlcr” wu on a **vaeation.” For it sorely is r aky For an Editur fnaky, On a eompoond au peaky A« «oda aod whiakey. To writa whilo he leaia tho p -tatioa. Ke 1obe it mni nei, he m«a hoololi kekahl e hookomou noa I keia pule ae mnwaeon ont kieiokn Pspa o Rm a me Hale Dute KO KA MKA C PIU ANA I KA HUI MKCHA5I0’S BJtNSFIT UNION. Nokn o ka £Tui Meehanie’e i I kukolwin la’o o nn Knonwni o b M Hawaii, on Jbooko n like «U ke Knnawnl hann in n I honknknin no ia omn, na wAiho ma iM kn Keeoa e k» Knhino KnMaion. fea N« * " ' m h» I* m r.