Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 291, 25 August 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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The Monowai bringa very little news relating to Hawaiian sffaira. Private advices from Washington state that lbe word Hawaii bas not been heanl eituer in official or anofficiai circlea for the Iast montb. The report of Minister Rlount ct»nUins no recommendatious of mnj kind, bnt i* simply a plain statement of £>cts as he found tbem. He will unaEe verbal recommendations in supp!ementing bis report, snd upon these wiil be based the future policy of the American administration in regard to U&waii. lf it is decided to furm some kind of • protectorate it will be over a form of government endorsed by the Hawaiian people at the ballotW whieh as we all are aware here ean only mean one lhing—the reatoration cf the monsrchv.