Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 296, 24 August 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
I.v ail ciriliied c»*untries the «)»- lem <>f using c»*nvict lab >r <>u pub iif worksb«8 bem strongly condemn ed an«l i<J»t'y eo. There shoutd l»e uo ot*aip**tition bet«veen free labor and convict i»bor. The tox-paying meehnnie ehould not l*e birred out fro.u a ehanee to earn an boiust living, bec»u*e the work ean b« done by aome ri»8Cully meehanie whoisbeing punished for vio.‘ating the hiw. That certain work like stone breaking and \vork in qusrri(B ean be a!lotted tothe crimnul? under senteuces to lurd !abor is all r;ghi and no objection need be Tnade. W<»rk on roads may in •onie maUneee be done by prisontn>, although we shou!d think it preferable to see honest free men earning lheir iiving by attendihg to Ihe puhlie works but we ao kiek when we »ee the regular work of thepn>fes«ional mechanic,such as cari»enteririg _and painting. being doue on puhlie buildings by eonvicts to th» detrin»ent (»f the nuujerotis free mechaiīics <*nly loo willing to get a j >b. and at this taue hanl in need of it. Since the j*resenl p<>puiar (!) gover.in»ent, whieh we are told has lifted Hawaii out of a state of thraldom, eamo into power, free labor is not in detnandon the puhlie pnjpertite, bul all work is being done by eonv cts. We noliee Mr. liarefo<*ted T*iil as Mr. W. 0. S:nith*8 headcirp«nler. We uoliee Mr. Manelanghter Herring as the chiefl*aii»Ur of the Iearned AttorneyUererat ami at the Miue tiroe we ii»>t : ce g »od and bonest c >ri>enters and pHĪnters walking the streets and w«>ndering where they are g*ing to get the uext mouthfuI to eat for theitiselves nnd their fdtuiiies. The svstem «s we s.»y, has been c»ndemned ail over tbe w >r!d. It is to be deplored that a f >ss lizt-d aut**crat like Mr.W.0. Smilh—Oh! »<■> Ie»rned in ihe law—has Ihe power—aa he of cuirsc ha» the inelinalion —to saddle tbis r*mmunilv with the evil system and drire away free men by eraploying hia pet convicts to do the w«rx nhieh in nght and juatice should b« done hv thc free.