Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 289, 23 August 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Yesterday, Smith of the Stir madethe uelkin ringwith hi8shrieks of blood and g >re, and pulp and powder,andartillery and dynaraite, and cruisers and other insanities, and our p«>et «as so moved by it thut he burst onee more into d«»ggerel to suit the puropkin-head’s frame of menlal idiosyncracy as fulloH8: BLO(«HT P IP. (To be »ung lo Ihe tune of “(Jld man Smith kep'a Slnugh 'erhou»e.”\ S ng of b!ojd und t l mnder! (O eome rijtht oat fr»ni under,) While I to .tle-iootle-t»ot thia iittle ronn>leiay, Of how S nith’s eveaing Star, Can>e t » br*athe iu tea « f war, Aud ecar.-d his heart into hie boote, bat yesterday. ‘Twas bat the oti>cr night, Fe«.liug q i;t * out of sight, Thuugh bat ied i.i tao moon'a pellucid «y. Says he, “My top-knot teeme, With sc.mdals and w>th drcan:a, Thong!i of tneui 1 eannol wr!te a worl f»r D and P. C. J.” “Taen l’ll write a fearf-.il ah<»c ver, Thorgh at it.Koy:ilists «nay nioek —; r! I’ll g«ve it as l heani it in oar Au Cl.ib «'ūe diy. The Royaiiat.i, s iy thcy, II ave now begun to say They’U r.se up aud ej *ct ua right away. ‘*A ves8ii down from 'Frisco, (They s.iy il surely is s»J Fill«rd »hh arms and munitions maeh tf war. Will arr.ve her.- one fiae mcraing, l'. S. regalntions S3.raiug All taden dow n wila tigat.ug .nen gakre. *‘Our ar;uy, th»y w!th dynamit8 will hiow up, And >>.-»e wii» >1 «■« a'iow up Wi| i Annexation b dge of darkeat blue Wili iuituedutsiv be s!aughtered Bef j« that he has aug'u h ari Of wtiat has caus.d this temb.e hoilahaioo. “Now that ia tbelr olan, Sirs, To carry oui ii they ean, Sirs. They sjy, taey’re b»aad t) buat up oor P. GAud mr fine ht salarie«, Aa Ihe rewar 1 of our valonr, ha, Will—like MoGmty—be down lo tht bottoj» of tbe iac" •‘f/old oo, triere“ *aki I, “They mn« cat hamhle pie. l’U *car» them owtol thatquitsquickly ( don*t v.wi se», For jast nght at oae gnlp, l’U make them ‘b!oody puip’ Witfa tbe a;d oi Dsds 8sm, aad you.