Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 289, 23 August 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
The Advertiser ha» the impudence t » reiterate the lie that Minister Blount interfered with the Jajt;\nese government in regard to the demands made by it relating to Hawaii’a treaty-.»biig itions and the morning iiar has the ehoek to say that the royalists are annoyed to leam ab»ut B!ounl’s alleged interference, beciuse sucli aelion on his jiart would prove that the United Stales \fould not tolerate any intcrference iu Hawaii by any f >reign power. \Vhat sub.ime idiocy tbe methylated editor succ=*eds in i>roducing here. A sunple demand by the Japanese government that Huwaii shall gticK to the treaty whieh hns been signed and agreed upon between the two counlries is cilled by the copy»st of the Monlhly ‘*interference by f.»reign powers.” It should be rcmembered that not a single Japanese would ever have been allowed to jmt his L*et on Hawaiiun soil if it h.«d not b?en that the treaty now m force had beeu »greed upou. and if Hawaii had nut got the J.ipan<sa immigration where would to d»y our planteis and ail j trades and businessesc.)nnected with ! the sug.ir iudustry have been? it does not speak well for the preseat j administr.«tion that it attempts to biiirK il» treaty ubl ig.ttious aud lries to break a sicred contract. It was origmally an outrage to ignore the treaty and makecertain class legislalion agaiust r. nuaber «f mea who eame here under Ihe so!emn proraise that lhey should enjoy eqaal righls with the res;dents belonging to ihe nations who were Ihe‘*iuost ftvored” by treatie« bttween them aud Hawaii—and the first and foreuiost right of any uian is tiis righl to cxercise the privilege of uking part in the g>iVer«uug ot kiie i«uu WucPs bc Ubors aud wbere he pays laxes and i»erfjrtiis other dutiea. The Japai.ese question is far from settle*l yet. it is *bout time tbat we gat a re*t about tb« BIount fake. in a purely persju.il matter a* ihe interpreUtion ofa treaty is b:tween two indepeadent countries neitber the Lnited St\tes nor any other conutry interferes or has tbe slightest shadow of rigbl to ioterIer «—*od uobody wouki koow j ibat be(ter tbat Mmi*ter James H. ! ElouoU
Wt vou!d like to kuov who th« ob««rful lui ia, wko corre«poods to tke &»» frane'uc9 CkronicU fram Uoaoiulu. Tke j*n» aboat