Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 289, 23 ʻAukake 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Thk Advertis*r »rm(Kitiiizes tritii Mr. Anlone Cloys in his misfoitunes. The gentleman (1) haa Iwn arrest*nl f.>rlibel againat Cjpt. F»rgutum in writing a letter to the Adrertiser, and as he couid not »htain bail, he had to stay in chokjr far a few days. We will eall the Adrerliser ann'g attention l«» the fact that tiiere was no disenoiinalion made :'g-»iu*l Mr. Cioys when his hail was fixed at #oU0. I)i.«cri ninati»n was sh»wn in fiv»r • *- %•. • • * r» . . f oi r.un»»ra juutisv»<ic auu o.u.w, and McGrew, when they w t re «rrested tor libel and allowevi their liberlv on 1100 bail, while Editors Kenyon and Ba$h were made to pungle up 1500 eaeh and the firet n unēdbes;des.lreatcd wiihlhe most o»trageous indigmty at tl>e apeeial )nstructioa oi tb« head of tbe poliee departraeut—tbe verv learoed Attorney General. When Mr. Johnstooe waa arrestcd it was done thnmgh teleph»ne and he was virtualiy at hberty aii tue iime t woiie Mr. Kenyon «as yaaked ioto jail by two polke eaplaina, aearcbed and pat ap in a felon ? a eell. There ia no reason for Joansto.ie to whine, h« haa heeo treated «ith v«lr«t glov«a, «hile ocrer under
f tbe naon#rchy was such an outrage ‘ e unmilleil aud t’.e name of just:ce dr»gged into the mud ts wus doiie | m Mr. Kenyon’9 cuse under the I virtu>»js pr.>vi«ional g>vernnaent i , bv s tc .il »rd r e f ihe virluous ‘ Att >ruey tieuerii —.car..ed in ti.e * _ i The Alt»rney fjr Cuptam Fergu- i son s:guitied m<'reover lheir will* < ing!ie58 to have tne biil nf Mr, , ! C. <v a reduced or even loallow h»m • t>go on his own recognisinee, ao j t ie Advertiser nerd not t.iikaboiit , i perseculion in the matt»r. The j lihel suit uf Captain Ferguson agu!ii8t Mr. .Iohnstone hrought forth uothing whieh cuuld just:fy the i>ublication of the lying and libe!Iousletlercouiplainedofand the eonstant stieering and insulting of Cupt. Fergusm by the Advertiser 8iiicethe8t:trtingnfthesuitcouldcf*rtainly nol tead to bnng that gentleinan into a m<>re pleasant frame of mind. When the Advertiser gets a bg damage-suit on its hand, perhaus tbe stockholders will realize that Mr. Johnstone is nol more reliable as an editor than is—s.iy Mr. Cloys—as a corr<-s|>oiident.