Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 289, 23 ʻAukake 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Wr. h*ve made s >me enquiriea in regard lu the new dynamite-con-pj>iracy whieh Ihe Star eUim» the auth ritiv« have unearthed and find that it is another f«ke of that furb dden-to.be 8ensatioaal pij>er. Thdcommunily is not quiteclear| whv these caiiards should be etarted by ihe annexation papers every time a mail leavee here, because it will cerlaiuly not help their cause to con?Un*tly picture the country, and the j»e<*ple here,as an anarchietic and revoluti »uary set of men, «!w«ys conspiring, anei pl<>tting, and attemptirg to overthrow the givernment. If the Unilod States ever should be indnced or tempted to annex thvse lslands. il will b.* lK-c<uselhey wouldconsident a valuahle addition, not alone ir. r*-gird to fin.incial and strategelicadvuutages. but also because the populati<m here is a desirable class <>f people t< > grant eitizenshi j> t> in the Gre.il Kenuhlie. Tiie United Slates have g »t anarchistsand dynaraiters «nough without being ambitious for un increase i» that line. There is anotherpoes;blecau5ef.>r pub!ishing thosesilly yarr.s ab >ut dynamite couspiracies, and that is f>r the purposc of prejudicing the jurytnen now on duty agiinst Messrs. \Valker aud Smc’.air, now u)> f>r triai on u m<>st ubsurd and mlieuloue charge of having headed i n dynamite consp5racy—wilh no dynamite in it. If lhat is the re:i8.»ii why the Star print? its komo-made-lie8, that paper stunds in an even m<*re unenviabte aml c.>ntemptible light than hilherto ht«8 U>en the c.ise—and that will «<y a great deal. We d>m’t l»elieve tniiugh that the honest and s> nsible p*rti<ni of liie o>minnnity will be in »ny way influenced by ihe lalest trick of Ihe annexation i rgau.