Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 288, 22 ʻAukake 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Thk edit«ir of ihe StJir, ha\ing suflrred severeiy lroni the defitruct,ve iuet:ibolism. whieh hus t>et'u attaoking the alIegedcontei:ls of his cranium ever siuce hisarrivel tiere, is const.mtly whining bec»use he eannoi be allowed to intrx>diice the low, aeiiMlional joiirnaliam whieh is in vogue in California. He has made s * many brave —«nd success- . ful—attempt» in filling his pa(»er with slandi-rs, roisslatemenW. Iies, and libeis, whieh he has always ha<J to retruct that it b»-cauie iucessary for thesuj>p<>rter» of his i>»per, aud the annexation nu>ve to l, sit on him.” Shortly after his «dvent here he undoubtedly enj .yed the confidence of Mr. Dole and others connected with the government, aud he waa furniehed with cou»iderable inforonation. Since then it haa bec»>me evident that the offieiala h«ve siz>ni up his true menlal caliber, and he is now told by exminister Ji>ne« that it would he healthy if he, in the future, would verify tbe street-rumors whieh he piek» up bef»re publishing them ns facts, and he is told by Mr. Dt>le that the governmeut does m»t wish to have official matters d scussed iu the ioeal papers. It is hard ou the poor devil to be obliged to eonfine his writings tosuch imeresting subjects as ‘*iIodern navie8,” “Cieveland’s fal," ‘Mo8quitoe9 and bngs.” and “Hop toads.” mostly 8tolen frotn the New York Sun,and to be told to eonline hia further hnlliancy toexploitingche-fucases. while he ia burning lo int>*rfere in internatiouaI diplomacy. hut such is tb« c.»ld cruel sentiment of this community. that it does not desire to see alleged scandaia, picked up from the gosaip of the huma along the city front snread all over the front page with flaming headlinea, and the Star editor is too small a potato. or rather puoipkin to ref>rm the people here. The latest fake in whieh, both the Star and the Advertiser take part is the attempt to inainuale that Minister Blount trok a hand in the c»rres(>ondence helween the P. G. and the Japarese government. relnting to certain demands made by tlie latter. Anyb;;dy eonversant with the sagac:ty and diplomalie tactof Minister Blount will inimediotely be awareof the absurdity of pre3uming that he adviaed the P. G. to dclay answenng to th® Japanese government unlil “the Amerlcan minister or the provisional government through the proper source received further instructions in the premises from the home government «t Wa3toington.” Is there any 8ane mau here or elsewhere, who, for a m»ment will Lelieve lhat au official note of such cuntents cou!d be sent by *n Ameriean minister plenipotentiary to the Hawaiian governmeut? Since when does tbe Hawaiian govern- ‘ througb the proper source” receive “instructiona” from Washingt»n? 3ince when, has the U. 8. administration heeame tbe “home” government “f»r Uawaii.” The barefaced lie as printed in the two organs is an outrageous insult towards Minister Bionnland wetrust thal the representative of tbe J«paneae governmenl will loee no lime in obtaining officially fro(h tbe Hawaiian foretgn offiee« Qat deni«l of Ihe sUtement publiabed in the semi-offici«l jonrnaIa. Shoold the government conflrm ihe st«te-
tnent tnade iu ite orgao* and Coi) that Mini9ter B1 >unt .ctaii, T wn>te aueh an officiaI r t , ,, have no doubt that there .» ,i > e >me lively correeponde!,ctwven T.>kio nnd W !.shinj:t gome very pertinent a asLed. The truth . f the ma(t-r - < that the Provisional Gov r •; un bemg |>ressed by J p .:, ; • an answer to the request th t H* waii fulfil its tre ity ob g •ind grnnt the Jap:»ne?e ■ . • ; here the same r.ghts as the fuvored nali»n. shield itse : .f b-h: its» temporary exiatence by ?<i j lo have the multcr postpon d un; a eUihle and pennanenl g >vtr.. ment ha» been est»bli8hed. TS . ( apane8e government evident» ha9granled Ihia req'iest for ad-lar hul the matter, a.though 9helre* for the nu>ment. is decide«llv n*; fi.rgotten or dmt>pcd.