Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 288, 22 August 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
\\ haT .» lhf government np U». ' or r«ther why i» il sc-*mi? Al- j thovph ererf eeneihl** member of j the hdmini?-tn»tion muol kn*)w that there is n<»t Ihe slighte9t inleulion or t>re|o«n»tion among tbe oppoeition t«> res >rt to vi*»lent oieas ures. «II pi‘MĪble inea*ure9 and precautious «re constaotly bemg taken «g«inpt s >nie im:*ginary fi>e. The country c<*uld afford t>» over this T*laying-at-8oldier8 l»urlesque, ifthe fooli9hattitudeof the government were not 9» extremely <ietrimenl »1 to all huaineea interests. and so proraotive of want *>fcoiifidence in the ability »>f Mr. I)oIe and eolleagues t<» run the official shop. S<»1diers are parading ihe streets in the nighlB «nd holdmg up f*eaceful pedestrians. An army of s[»ecial poliee <>flicersovcrruns the ci*.y,and walehe» the trees, Ihe moon, nnd the c *ts, instea*l of the bnrglars and uuaginary conspirators. In the raeantiraethetax-payers watch these ridicnlou8 proceedings with some ap|*rehen8ion, wondering where tlie m»mey is to eome trom to p»y f»r thef»rcical periorraance. Th» 1 h>nwee nf the m* iubers *if the executive c»>uucil are guarded by 8i*eci»l d*}lectivea for what purp*«e it is imjn«ssible t» te!I, and fiua!ly it is r* {>orted in some of our eontem[v>r.tries that the sailors of the U. S war-vessels are deprived of Jib> rty, because m. >»utbreak is e.xt>ectcd Who is tu hlanae f»r this nnde9irable st:.te of affairs? \Vhois manufnctunng the reports and ran s whieh make Mr. 1)cle sleepI*ss, t>irn S»iier’s hair grey, and n.ake the b*ys on the Hoeion and Adan«s till theair with blue8?reak8? Th»" g»vernm*mt ought to answer that questi>*u and let thecommnnity whieh is being aronse*i by being niu*iea eilent partner in the g»v*rnment*lcircus,know w hoieneponeible f»rthesillyuction«»ftheuiiIitary aiui*»ther heroic palmlmen, who «re willinp lo get $40 a raonth for their d:9iuU*resled work f.*r annexatioa. Annexatiou mdee*i! It is very likely that«nycountry w*m!dbe wil)ingt.*«nnex«comtaunity when it i» eon» dervd nece*wary to Uke soroe fbrtnid«ble prej*arations for the proteclion c»f «n adc.iinistration »s 18 b«i5'g d»ne now. Either Vr. I>ole has been bitten by a mad soldier, and h«s g*»t s»me kind of j — **«*. I*-.. o r tbc renojt is true th.->t \ the le*r whieh the g»vernuient i« di8pi«vii g is caused bv dissati8f>ction «tuong it« uwn hired supporten», The rumor h«s it th«t the dissatis £*c»iou ia cai«sed by the passage of tbe new militia-act whieh does aw«y with «nv paid. sUQding •rray. ihe burden of whieh the trrasury simply eannol «Und. Tbe men who now are paid $40.00 ;ar inonUi, be»ides exoelieut (when not poisooed) grub, n»tur«lly rewmt the ide* of seiog tbese eominodilie» di»«pp«»rīog in ihe bori*on. «nd unpleeaeoi vUioos abont baving to go lo work «ud e*rn an hooeal liriug are b«£oni ———-- -
| ihem, while lhey iinger on their I lonelv n;ght vigils and try to shoc*t at their own sh *dows They leel ( ! jhat the g*»verniuenl is under a i dcbt of gratitude to tb**m f*r hav- , j I,.g 0SS 'ted ;t inl» puwer. The j g >vernnieiit «*nows l>elter ond 1 *J;rects it g it;t 'de s»leiy towords j Mr. J. L. clevens an«i makes its . ! gr;«leful feeiings lake pr,ict;cal ; 8iia{H' «>f siiver-teap ts and lhat ;s ■ 1 where the diff-rence of oj)inion | 1 aris“9 between the D*le eahinel and tlie S *p*-r 8»ldiers. If now the g,>vernment wu d«i e.une *»ut open 1 y and tell ihe uij;n that there is in I themiiitiahill ;* siving elauae whieh j wiil enahle Mr. Dainon to eonlinue > to pav the c*H*king-bill and the i $40 00 a monlh, pesc« might »g ūn reig:i in the s»*call**d execution buildii.g. Soldier8 in active service ean be paid 9iich amounts for their 6ervices as «liall he decided by the Advisory C«iunc«i. Of course hanging around the Palaee gates with a gun, even filling the st*>mach with peas und b.*iled tongue and pie. auist b-ca!led active service and as long as the P.ishop Estate will invest in g>»vernment bi>nds. there will certainly be sufficieni funds to payfor all theactivity.When this is proper!y ex{>lained the government ean go t» sieei> again and all the extra men ean stack lheir anns and the colonels, !ieutenant-colo-nels, and the rest of the red-striped brigade ean seek the arras *>f Moruhens in their owu little beds onee more. Poor Satmuy Damon alone will have to be awuke aud brood his g«ginlic financiul brain in eff‘»rts as lo ho* - to sell more bonds. By prwiuising lo build a bridge here or make a r**ad there, a lew raore bond8 might be disi*osed of at 98 aiid the treasury so fur get a tem{>orary relief, but tlie great halanee of course nnist be all*»tted to the Bishop EsUte. Should then a stable government be established as the Advertiser hints this morning then it is to be hoped that such etabie government will not repudiate the P. «i. bonds, whieh would be ralher awkward for those who gen* r> usly have invested trust funds in those r.*ther <lonbtful secunties. Between dynamite conspiracies (wiihoul dynamite), nrmy muliniee, and a hankrupt lreusury r the execut;ve has got a swe«t tiin**of it and wedoa’t wonder ihat Mr Dole wants to eooi off in the eool hreezes at Kohala. The greaUsl dai;ger though :s if tbe guri-smith should j*ersist ir. fixing cartridges in the p*»wder aiagazine in the pulaee. Next linie there is an ex »loBion there the “Hawaiian question” might be settled in & most unex|.>ectetl manner—and not cxaclly in a manner acceptable to Mr. D»Ie nnd his sixteen diaciples.