Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 34, 19 ʻAukake 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Mb. W. li. OlēS)N 19 doing some loud talking in the United States in favor of annexution to the undilnted delight of tbe Star and the Adverti»er. We do not cnre to u»e our valuable apaee nor our time to ahow up auoh a needy adventurer | as the Rev. W. B. 01e»<)n h«s turned out to be, but we will simply illu»trate the character of tbe reverend rascal by repriuting a lett*r from him whieh appeared in tbe Pac:fic C immercial Advertiaer in Honolulu, nn the 12th day of Decembvr. 1892, or about one monih before tbe revolution took plaee, when the reverend boythra»her crooped out a» a full-fledgedgun-carry-ing annexationist. No oomment» are nece»sary, but we wili point out the morai to the alleged reve rend pnrty, t!ut it ii extremely dangerou» for any wooid be politieian to put him?elf on recor i in type or in writing. (Amenean papen pleaae copy.1 M«. Eo;Tok: — l do not believe that the annexatioo of Uawaii to the United State9 of America ,<• « question of practieal pulitics <>r tbat it i» a matter that i» likely to pl«y any important nart in tbe near future nf tbia E ingdom. I om emuineeā that tke ĀMtonnmy of thū eonntry ehouUi he preservfd, and that the prese*t hīonarchical govemment be perpetnated. 1 bave comistently beid to thi» eoneieilon durtng ray resideuoe la tbis Kingdom and l’m not peraoaded to Ihe oontrary as thc Ume draw» ne*r frr my depertore to my natire Und. la roy owa country I ihnaM be oppoeed to tbe snnt-zjUofi of thess hlmdi, bHUrmg ia the An*erioa» aaa-eMoniel p)licy, Any other rrpreeentatk>n of my viewe is a mienpneeolalion either wirful or igooraat. ’ Tbe iaduatml aad eomtnereiaI develepeeeat of Uiie eooatry l»by br « mure oMMMmloaa mimiiun aud duee aoft n<roeaeanIy involve fth»t of ennexafttun. Wb» aloue, b«ft 1 aoa eoovuieed fthaft by retaiaiag ile a«tooomy, 6* eooutry U4>keiy to g«i« fraater eum■SS55£S5S.' M0U» vmm