Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 34, 19 ʻAukake 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

e— While Minister I-. A. Thurston ĪB upholding the dignity *>f tbe Hawaiian Legntion in Washiugton by running u combined dime mussum and variety-show in Cbic«go, Mr. Frank Ha8tiugs has heen bur dened wilh the ardent dutiesde v<»ling <>n a Hawaiian mmister p!euipot**ntiary. B-s:des swecpiug out the "ftice the incumbent of the i Legation aleo c<>nsiders it his dutv ... t<> fill as many newspapers to j whieh he em get accese with the most baref.*ced lies, mistatenients. and inisrepresenlation8. Mr. Tnur8lon is a g >od liar himseif, but Mr. Hast*.ng3 is if j)ossibIe even more chevrfui in that ciipacity We have bef»re us a e >py of the Hai’ ingtjn I ost in w hieh Mr. Ha8tmgs is airing his views on Hnwaii aud the present polit:cal j situntion. Mr. Hastings sLites that aeiitiments favoring annexation are making great progress among the lluwanana Tiiechange : hae beeu wr>ught snys the tx-roa- i j >r *‘by the j>ublicaliou of the power of <ltorney given to Paul Neu- ; manu lheenvoy ofQue€*t Liliuokala ni to ihe U S.”We wiil repriut whal Mr. Hastings says ubout that matter: By th:s instrument it was proven f thnt Mr. Neumann ome to \Vashi»gtou not with any idea of rest«*r ; , iug the iuonarchy or giving haek to ; the j*eople their old f»rm «f govern- j ment, but simply to mnke the best j terms possible f<>r the monarch, J l enabii»g her to h»ld on to »8 mueh of Uie crowu property as possib!e. j Mmy of the natives when tiie publication was made deemed that they had been tricked,aud nccused thcir sovereign of c<rmg iittle ol what became of the old auto.iomy ■ of the islands so long as ber own | nest was well feathered . As the power of attorney never was used in \Vashington or anywher« else,itisea8y lonail Mr.llastiugB lie wheo he saya that Neumanu did not #be to \Vashington 1 with any intention of w»rking f<*r the restoration of the Queen. The *‘many iiatives” who claimed that { they had been *'tricked” etc, we haven’t seen or heard of yet, but perhaps Frank Hastings has a native “aet’ l of hieown from whenee he dertves his kaowledge of tbe sentiments among tbe Hawaiian people. The publication of tbe 1 Qu«en’a power of attoroey to Paul ; Neumann, fell fl«t or if anytbiug, caused and created more e >utempt j «nd disgust with Mr. Dole > nd his l confreres who so shamefuliy broke fjdtb wilh lir. Neumann. Tbe Pott . tbeu teils us tbat Mr. I H»stings — whom it by th« w«y—c«IU Hawaiian Minister of Fore>gn ! Affairs i» unlike most dipiomats. j We faMy agree with the Po»t, but woald remiud that j wimai that so far, n«.b>)iy em sccused Mr. Hasiings of being a dipl<xmt, or «nyi thiug elae wbvre braīns and tavoir i nm «ai needed. Mr. Hastings dvridca Oolouel Spreckeis fur being 8fainst anavxation, and ' claims that the attltode oi tbc Col- . onel on this qu«wtiou h> due to pure . self iutere»L At be, in the very | nezt line «xpiain« whal be and ihe othersagsr meo wtll do ag»iust SpreckeU if we get annexation. it looks t> vs as if Mr. Hastings and hia frreods ars alao actaated by pore self interest, and that the pruapcets uf a bnoō> in sugar slocks ia Che neia motive fcr that Uawaiian natrioi to desirs annexatiun. Hooolola iā flescnbed by theex t«tajnraca«AnMriceotown,iDhabited by Aww'eaM. nikd hy America«»s, aud eelebr«ling wiih |n eneun, and Laeieo Youngs orat»ry the 4th of J«ly, iad oUmt Aioeneio holtd«ya. W« are sarj.rised ihai Mr. H«atiogs doas noi onoIm the «eMntaos«( Cttimn Kew vear, aot ii 0pmk.af tha llth «f Jane, tww hoHdays whieh peHkapaaiao in 1 nmMl Thsn ewn— lha hlw» slai|». >nd sssiJlkiaM «he heeonp|siai.n»«thwaiMr U Thatti*

7 to soo>e other power for as#i«taDce. 5f lbe Sl*tes wiU no* *unex o»We wou!d 8Ugjtest to 3Jr. Hastings, who. time *ud time h«9 cr»wled inlo the Hawaiian yoverh- j m**nt service, throogh unmentionabIe bick?t«irs inAoenee, to trv lo seli these Is!aods l»> Rt;3Sia. Iii tbat ©»untrjr they h; v«an ex eelleal cure fcr 5ngratiti-de—• difr>m whieh Mr. Hartin*s 9*-e!i.s 10 s*iflVr mueh. Toe ex-maj->r then sits in jcdgaient on Mr. Nordh •ffaod m>e-ats tbe £»!*► hoods of the annex;»tioaist3 here. wh<» accuse\i N ,, nih> , ff of lying when he showed up the backers of | the loltery sclieme. In spite of Mr. H-āt :i*s' asserti>ns. the f.»ct remains lhat Mr. N'ordboflF wn>te the truth, when be stited lhat the lotUry petitions wtre f-gned by leadiug annex>tioi»i9ts, among whom were the *‘fjlher of annexation.’* Ur. J. S, .Mdirew, and at . Ie>8t lhree of the original member9 ot Ihe advis >ry eouoeila. The , “Jip!omat” teils >.i9 that Mr. Nordhcff uiigot go b >ck to Honolulu and live in peaee and aafety, ai- i tbough he would not be popular atnoug the decent j>et>ple. Great Scutt!since when d:d Mr Frauk Hastings repr«seat,or have the right to speak ou behaif of the decent peopie in Honolulu. We fear tbat his bobnobbing withGr aham, and the “leading senators” has turned his head aiid made him forget what he is in Honoluiu. Mr. //a»tings fin- ! ally lel!» the Post that “we have invested there (in Hawaii) *nd i have built <*ur home» there.’’ This is tru!y news to us. and we only regret that Mr Ha»tings does not leil us where in Uawaii be has made his investment9, nnd where ! he has built his houae. It would be of vast interest to us, and more i especially to the tax-as»es»or» in i the e )uutry. The ex-major desires to *‘eliminate frmi tbe sit<iation every polit;cian. eveiv c:irpet-b;<g ger, every fomenter of d.sturbance fir personal advantage.” whereafter : he promise9 that everything W.ll i ba lovely in Hawaii, and his gi>o8e i will hang h : gh. When we take into Cons':deration that he is about tbe : worst 8pecimen of a carp«t-bjgger, who ever ianded on this heaeh, we believe that Mr. tl:isting9 ean easii ly gel his desire8 fnlfiiled by elimir.ating hi!nself, and the .uajority of the remainder of hĪ9 party.Otficeseekers of the ciass to whieh Mr. I Haetirigs belongs are not needed in ; Uuwaii, men who will fawn ooand ' cringe ta whatever party is in | power, and who will stoup to any metliods t » get their paws iuto the , govcrn[Dent’s pap-Cv)ntaiiier, are a ' curse whieh iiawaii cannot be reI lieved of too soon. May Mr. HaStings eliminaie liim9eif.his !ies,and j f.ilschi>rds for good and ever from Hawaii. Ue isn’t wanted here.