Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 287, 18 ʻAukake 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

CoC5CILLOB Emmklcth d credit f<-r his uiaiily protest i eouneiia againsl the undi-rhi na«nner iu whieh the gi>vern gave couocillor Alex ou:g c<>ntract f*>r the fnrmshi: g f ; new puuiping planl t**r the W' -, r Works. It is to be regrett-«l i-* therej whs not gufficient dec- i :;tT ainong the other councill*<r* them to aueUin Mr. Kiameiu:* bnt it i» plea»ing t<> 8ee that ; 4 proteat «nybow had «ome g ■< d tffact, and lhat Friday inomiiu gjvermueot callsfor teuders f>rta* punip. Mr. Uanoon st,ited tht; ,Mr. Young waa tlie only man «5; could tilI the coutract, and huiii the puoipi»g plant. M earestr>rf ly under the impress on that VYoung had no intention ol mm facturing the plant in hn on foundry. but siinply proptt?ej n import it from the Stat- s. »r.i pocket a commi88ion for him#e f ; ihe transaction. If we are right • our 9urmi8e8, it would he an o-ii-rage not to put up the contr.ict kt puhlie corapetition, lieeauae <-the people might as weK take tb«a ehaneea ou e8timuting thec-5ti the purchase and iiuportati*>n of i plant. The wrong hae n*>w b«« remedied, but the puhlie ahoui remember that tiie attempt wu there to break the law, and it w : ; bave aucceeded if it hadn’t be«c for Mr. Eiuuieiulh.