Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 287, 18 August 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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1» Joe Miilen: Uia booke of G«tes” is to be found an anecdote relatinj( to a gentieman wbo, ou viewing in a muaeum the mounted akelelon of an ass remarked: *‘How fearfullj and wonderfuily are we made.” In reading tbe Advertiser the point of the jest strikes us, for if there is enything more fearfallj and wonderfullj made tban tbat obUvioiislj braxen slaggerer, it is the object of the joke above related. We willquotefrom ita Wedneedav’s iaaue, and then from ita to-day’a (Fridaj’s iaaue). and simplj, like the marriage service, end in “amaxement.” On Wednesiaj it sajs in re ahoUiion of trisl bj nativ«jnrj:

“Smc« the Provisio»iai Governme:it eame into power ihe state has been advancing by leaj*s and bouuds in oU depart1 menW exeept that of the judiciary. On Fridav, it *tid in re the poliee departm*>nt, wnieh is u*>t eoa- . uected wiih the j idiciary: “The disreputable condition of the poliee dt partment is aeknowledgēd on ali hauds * * ihe iuability of the Pr*>visional Government t > ref*»ri» lhis departmeut. * * * ” Ofcourse.it m;*y not b*> 8!gnifi- | cant in tU>3 eonneeliou to *>bservo j that Wednesday’s issue was the last one to g*> by ihe foreign mail. and theref re was wntten to prejudice the f«>reign puhlie as usual, against everything »*ertainiug to the native Hawaiians. and this m’ght prove to be the method in Ihe madness.‘ for we scirccly regard Brer Johiising as entirelv gone in anything but h;s morai sense, and that obeys the weekly dema:*ds on the cashier of the Gazette C<». who, no doubt has instructions to see that the uaual lies and iusinuatory slander« demanded of necessity by the P. G. and its big four, are duly inserted even if the hireling has to make a volte~fnce every forty-eight hours.