Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 287, 18 ʻAukake 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Tiiat tJie J ipaii**se (iovernment niiii prer-> »rt; wutch m? the in H iwaii ch#e : y i* b-c *ming ui(»re *tul mr*re e*ident. In a recent D uml»T tr,e Shinihnn t |uvl th** Jnpati Heek y Umi] writ* ing on the Hi*iiiin queBtiou. reBiarK9 “th it the tiaMjr.idusougLtlo he gr«tctul to the J (paneee residerite. F t tl w;i> the Iatt«T that have Uaie t'ar |»reventcd, and will m the future. oo doubl. preveut Hawaii fr< >rn heina annex»d t<» the United St«tee. Had there not t*een lal»orers on ihe eugar plantationfl. ihe Mainiehi think? that Spreckeis nod other ir.fluential sug.ir men wouhl not have 90 fdrong v »pp.»eed amiexation Our contem|*orary then goes on to exhort the J.ipaue9e in Hawan to save nioney and cuitival« their inind9. 90 that thev tuay be ahle to obtain comnianding po8itions in that oountrv U» whieh they are entitied by their nnraerical strength if m»t hy aoythii>g elee.” The advice given by the J.ipane9e paj»er, whieh *ve qiu»le, to the Japane«e rc9id*;iita here is g<»od. We have poiuted out in former Uanee, th«t the Jai>an»8e, who pay their laxee here and fulfil the neceesary voting qualificatione ehouId not be deprived of the franchi9e, heeauee they are A*iatics Tne Janane9e afli!iate *-asily withthe HawaiianeanA thev are a? a wh>»le, one of the mo«t de•ir«ble elae-» >»f citizene whieh Hawan ever hae had. We feel as8iired that tbe Jap:ineee governmeut will pre»e 1I9 c>aitu that llawaii ehaii carry >>ut her treaty-obligalions and we believe that l»ef>jre long the nitelligent and educated elaea of Japaiieec n»» here will be enabled to go to the ballot-b(.>x and casl their v«>te for g'K»d and popular goverament. Tb« preeeut very ahie repre*entative of Ihe Japuueee government, haa we under6tand given thie matter hie earneet atteution, and we do not Uiink that the Japanei*e •dmiDĪetratloD cou!d have 9el«cied a better representative thnn the presenl Coii9ul-Gen-eral 1« carry out Ihe nece«sary mei«a>iree by whieh his countrymen here ean obtain fairnefle aud just!ce, and be placed on xn equal fv»oiiiig *ritn the olher s«»jouroer9 here. The j re8eut Coiisul-(reueral •nj«>y< n<»t alone the confidence of hie own people, but he ie alao tegarded witn grevt e«teem by tti« Ha«anans and by that Hawaiiao Governraent U» whieh he wa* aecmiited. Aa 800U as a stable g«»T•rmuent by tbe people isreinstated in Hawau, the Japaneee ean res* auured that th$v will obtain tbeir T1fhte. ——1———