Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 286, 17 ʻAukake 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Thk Advertiser ia trying to muke a I’eail City l>oom by telhng ite rt*aiier!! lhat a gentleman from Soulh Dakotn has heen aronnd and looked up tbe 6ne poiuts in the Pearl City lots. These fiue points are tobe shown and properly illuetraUd by the South Dakota gentle* mau to Kastern capita!ista who promptly will dig into their s,ifes and relieve Mr. J. T. W »terhouse and the other land sharks of the vtry cumbtTSome wh te elephanl whieh they have got on their hands. The Kastern capitalists through their South l)akota friend are then gning to tnrn the new city into an orch. r i and are to make milliona out nf blighted guavas and unsaleahlep neauplee and a beautiful pieture of coming prosperity is unro!led before the eyes of the comiSunily by Mr. Jobnstone on behalf of the man from Dakotn. How a man from Soulh Dakota cotues to represent Kastern capitalists is beyond our compreltention. and as far ■ we know auybou/ uviug ia S uuk u Dakota would be highly surprised to see a suggestion to iuvest m<mey in Hawaii whiie there are such imasense and eecure chances for laudspeculation right in Dakota. We are afraid that lbe man trom Dakota haa givea Mr. Jobnstone a *i»tiff" and we have no doubt that if he bas played his role well. he has heen feasted and wintd aod frayed over botb by Diliingham aud tbe whole WaUrhouse fami!y. But that thej«verwill bearmoreof him or se« ihe eoin of the *Eastern eapiUliaU” we do not believe—that kind of eaille ū well-koown io Hawaii and it aucceeds every time īn gettiog in iu deadly eoafideoce work and liwiog high at
the expense of the unf'rtunate vielim? who bur:ed their money in the Pearl Citv dusl. But iet the Advert ser k-ep up :t« att?mpts of maLii.p a b»om. It w:li heip to in<luce John r'i *:o:>s l » build ra >re t-Dant —wanting bouses ar.d give pientv «»f wnrk to tha eheap Japs whieh he e -npl'>vs.