Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 285, 16 August 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Si no the a ppoi n t men ts of M es?rs. Co»iper, Robrrtson. nnd ihe temporarv Carter t» ho!d < ffices as judges in this countrv, we ihink thal the Advertis* r’s hired !awyer shouid be careful ’n his assertions thrt the loynlists are the ones who bring p»litics into the functions of law and justice. Mr. Dole. by such t»ppointments. has put his approving stamp on such a practice, and we eannol blame the H»waiians even ifthey do lollow suit. Mr 'V. O. Siuith does n<»l undersUnd his p >sition or ihe duties devoiving on him. Like many other men who have heid the office as prosecntor. he coi!Sulers it a L*ather m his eip if he c.m secure a conviction. He is wr >ng lhere. The law amst be upheld. but if under our laws nine gO"d men out of twelve are sat sfied that the nccused parly is innoeenl of the crimeor misdemeanor with whieh lie is charged, the prosecuting attorney should be pleased to recognize such a verdict, <md feei gratified because a tax*payer has been exmierated of any evi! intentions against Ihe law. Mr. Smith evident!y desiresto poseas a pers3cutor rather than a pnwecutor,and attempts t«> make all his official prosecution u personal mattcr. We ehall return t» tlns subject very sh«»rt!y, b:t we warn the head «f thia lemporary g »vernnient that if any rash act is coramitted by him ir> whieh he too plaiuly exhibits his batred and and contempt for the Huwaiian people, we tlie cons o rvative elemenl nf the country wh<» so far have kept everything in peaee and order, will not answer for the eonaequences.