Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 285, 16 August 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Man v ir.cident8 confirm the Ha- : waiiars in th» r mistrust and sus- : sg*insl the present regime. I.e; cs re.»d what *Trofee9or” Wi.liam T. Hrig iam v\rites to-tbe j p n ,t . Hawjiiar.s r» not j’!?tifi d in t!ie:r doubts as ; t • the ;. >’;v'ty and truth! ilu*»- •>! ■ ti;e:r prete .ded irie;id? amun» the f.>reig!>’ rs. In opentng up ihe ( usual claiu>s tiiat H iw.iii will oft’ r its aut »nomy and indef*endence t»* | Gre it Britain, if Amer:ca cannot | Lk* f irctd to aiinex us this uusavory 1 •*Profess >r” s iv3. *‘Like other l*eop!e \ve have our \Tants. We desire an oeean cable, will £ngland or | ihe United Slat«-s first give us one? Wk WAVr A »TRONC. G»VERNMEST 1 TO EX0L1PF. THE JaPAXESE AND Kanaka votk. We want a dry dock and cert;\in harbor improveI raent9. Whieh couniry shall we iook to f»>r th-'3** need9?” So ppei-ka “Profe98or” Brigham the man who to dav pays for his dailv bread with the money belonging to the pure native Hawaiians of the great race of Kamehameha I. līe. this oeedy adventurer of a reputation whieh cannot be air*d in a resnectable journal, desires a govermnent whieh will EXCLl’DK the Kanaka vote. Litt!e notice \vould we have taken of the vaporings of the *’ten-inch profpssor” of pseudo nnthrop.*metric fame. little noliee would any remarks of his have unlesa if he should write an essay on his remarkable specialty, but we quote his rem;irks ‘n the Bnston OommonweaUh, heeauae he voices the s?ntimenla of the who’.e of that little factiou who desires to run this country, and red»ce the Hawaiinae to a position Iilt!e better than gerfdom. Thedesireof ‘Professor’ Brigham ia the d*s : re of the rnnjf>rity of the so-caIIed niieeionnn’ pnrty and tliey prove emph.it : cilly the truth of the oxistence of tb*> abs’ird treatv wliieh it is claimed 1 * ... Profeesor Alexander cnrried in his coat poekel to Washirgton. So that is \vhat they are aft«r! That is what the Amenean neonle are asked to help these filibusters, these ni9urgents who shirked their duties as American citizens for the purp >se ot emigratiiig and intriguing for the conquest of f»>reign Iandsto d».A t»ital disfrinchisement of a whole people f>r the benefit of about 640 Americm voter a . Depriving a nalion of its rigbt to self g»>vernment at the request of a handfnl of adventurer3 of the stamp < f the man who wrote the proclamation of the P.G. on the I7th nf January is e\’idently the programme now and “ProfedSor” Brigham is U9ed a9 the expounder of nef.irious, degrading aud unholy scheme.