Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 284, 15 ʻAukake 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

_ ■ Mr W. B- Oles >N is d(*ing « >t* li»ud talking in the Umted in f*v»»r of annexation t. t ; u» undiluted delight «>f t!ie St»r »n«l " * Advertiser. We d » n<»t cire t > •* onr valuab!e apaee nor our tim w ehow u|> rtuch a needy udvent irer as the Kev. \V. B. Oleeon h.»' turned out to b<«, but we will -*imply il 1 ustr.it»* the character of the r verend rascal by rei»rtntini; i .»-U“r from bitn whieh appeaml in tha Facific C >rnmercial Adverlis'r m Honoluln, on the 12th d»y <>t D1892, or ab >ut oue ui >nth before the revoluti >n t x>k pi.»c«, when the reverend boythraaher rr >t> ped out !ts a full tledged gun c irr»ing annex it!onittt. N*> eomnn ’J are nece«jsary, but we will je>int out the m »m! to the alleg d rrvtrond p‘»rty, that it is exlreme» danger >u3 for any wo ild be |»»itteian to put himr-elf on rec >rl Ī3 type or in writing. (Ani-ricw papers pleaae c-»py.) Mk. Ed tok: — l do not bslieve that tbe auneiation of Hawaii l» the l’n ;ed 8tates of Americ.i >» a qu> ' pnelieal polit:c3 >»r th.it il matter that is likelv to p!ay .t important p.irt in the n»ar of this Kir>2dom. /nm rnn< " : that the Anton«my of thi< c-> -'cj $hould he prfiervrd, and tha'. !v present Monaeehieal govrrnm' ' '* perpeluated. I have consi»tentl* held lo this conviction durn 2 residence in this King>lom and I’* not per»Uiidwl to the contr.irv * the timedr.iws near f«r ray det>irV ure to my native land. In my >>•* country 1 ehonM be opposed t»’>"* annexition of these Islrtiid». b ii#*' me in the American non-o'm u p»licy. Any othtr repre«eiitai of my v:ewa is a roi8representiU' > ’ either wufal or iguoraut. The ind'J5triil and eom'ii- 'e' 4 * āeveiopmetu wi tnu) country ? -? far a more raonientons qu'«tii and does not neceas,»r*iy inv >.*• tbat of annexation. I uny aloue, but 1 am convinced tiut retaming its autonomy. tn s c>»a r try is likely lo gain greater e■& mercial advantages than by a:u**gaantion wilh any other country lf tbose advantages ean btained through the friendiy p •<1 of ihe United States, wjtn > t fringing on the autonumy *>f to J Kingdom, it ia practicrtl p*Iitic» y secure those adranttges 8peediiJ To cry *’Annex'»tionirtt M uft r ■■ wbo advocates such a oolicy, in*, f aerve preseot amail polilieal P ur ’ poses, bul it balks and retard« broader poIicy lhat wou!d fo&* Uawaii’a iadependeoce and P nr ( mote her comiuercial prortj.erity. W. B. Oliw*